On 5/28/2020 7:35 PM, Edward Cree wrote:
> On 28/05/2020 08:15, we...@ucloud.cn wrote:
>> From: wenxu <we...@ucloud.cn>
>> Currently all the conntrack entry offfload rules will be add
>> in both ct and ct_nat flow table in the mlx5e driver. It is
>> not makesense.
>> This serise provide nat attribute in the ct_metadata action which
>> tell driver the rule should add to ct or ct_nat flow table 
> I don't understand why changes to the core are needed.
> A conntrack entry should be a NAT if and only if it has
>  FLOW_ACTION_MANGLE actions.  AIUI this is sufficient information
>  to distinguish NAT from non-NAT conntrack, and there's no need
>  for an additional bool in ct_metadata.
> But it's possible my understanding is wrong.

Yes, Currently the  FLOW_ACTION_MANGLE can distinguish this.

But I think the right way to get nat or non-nat conntrack  is through the

nf_conn->status ?

> -ed

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