On 5/26/2020 3:01 PM, Andrew Lunn wrote:
>>> +/* When high resolution timers aren't built-in: we can't use 
>>> usleep_range() as
>>> + * we would sleep way too long. Use udelay() instead.
>>> + */
>>> +#define mscc_readl_poll_timeout(addr, val, cond, delay_us, timeout_us)     
>>> \
>>> +({                                                                 \
>>> +   if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS))                        \
>>> +           readl_poll_timeout_atomic(addr, val, cond, delay_us,    \
>>> +                                     timeout_us);                  \
>>> +   readl_poll_timeout(addr, val, cond, delay_us, timeout_us);      \
>>> +})
>>> +
>> I would make this a regular function which would not harm the compiler's
>> ability to optimize it, but would give you type checking. With that fixed:
> Hi Florian
> cond makes that difficult, since it is not a parameter in the usual
> sense, but an expression to evaluate if the polling should terminate.
> readl_poll_timeout() and readl_poll_timeout_atomic() themselves are
> #define's, and there are more levels of macros under them.

Oh that's right, thanks for reminding me of this.

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