
Actually, I'm not sure if it's right to send mail here.

I'm testing ipv6ready Self Test 5.0.4 using linux-4.19.118 kernel.

Test failed in 82. Part B: Reverse Order Fragments ( Link-Local ) in
Section 1. spec

In test 82, source transmits 3 fragment packets in reverse order that
are originally a icmpv6 packet.
There is an overlapping interval between the 2nd and 3rd packet.

The test requires the destination MUST drop all packets and respond nothing,
but the dest replies Time Exceeded / Reassembly Timeout.

I've read some /net/ipv6 codes and think when the kernel receives the
2nd packet ( overlapping occurs ), it drops 3rd and 2nd packets and
recognizes the 1st packet as a new fragment packet.
( Is it right ? )

In RFC5722, when a node receives the overlapping fragment, it MUST
discard those not yet received. (  In this case, I think it applies to
1st packet )

Please let me know if I misunderstood RFC or if it wasn't implemented
in the kernel.

Thank you for reading the long article!

-- Yugeon Kang


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Attachment: 82_html_Link0 (1).pcap
Description: Binary data

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