On Thu, 2019-10-10 at 19:04 -0700, Jakub Kicinski wrote:

> >     if (reporter->auto_recover)
> > -           return devlink_health_reporter_recover(reporter, priv_ctx);
> > +           return devlink_health_reporter_recover(reporter,
> > +                                                  priv_ctx, NULL);
> >  
> >     return 0;
> >  }
> Thinking about this again - would it be entirely insane to allocate the
> extack on the stack here? And if anything gets set output into the logs?

I think that's fine.

> For context the situation here is that the health API can be poked from
> user space, but also the recovery actions are triggered automatically
> when failure is detected, if so configured (usually we expect them to
> be).

Right. We have similar situations in the wireless stack, and we usually
just get very noisy & WARN. But then it's a level lower, so you don't
have any extack around there :)

> When we were adding the extack helper for the drivers to use Johannes
> was concerned about printing to logs because that gave us a
> disincentive to convert all locations, and people could get surprised
> by the logs disappearing when more places are converted to extack [1].

Yes, but that argument doesn't apply here. The argument was around code

> +#define NL_SET_ERR_MSG(extack, msg) do {             \
> +     struct netlink_ext_ack *_extack = (extack);     \
> +     static const char _msg[] = (msg);               \
> +                                                     \
> +     if (_extack)                                    \
> +             _extack->_msg = _msg;                   \
> +     else                                            \
> +             pr_info("%s\n", _msg);                  \
>  } while (0)

(which I quoted in the message you linked).

I still stand by my comment there, I think it'd be a bad idea to do
this, because it'd mean that some random code using NL_SET_ERR_MSG()
might print something to the log if it's called in one way, and perhaps
the fact that it's getting NULL there is due to some higher level call
chain a few steps up "losing" the extack (or not having one), but then
if that's fixed suddenly all the messages disappear.

In the case you're proposing it's entirely different - you're proposing
that a non-netlink caller still supplies an extack that can be filled,
and then prints it out by itself. There's no reason to believe that
would be changed to suddenly have a real netlink extack that *doesn't*
get printed - that wouldn't make sense since you're doing this precisely
because you're *not* inside a netlink call.

Now, if you were saying "let's have a netlink handler that prints the
extack because a few levels up in the callstack we aren't passing the
parameter down yet" I'd still oppose it on similar grounds - that's
something we'd want to fix later to actually report to userspace - but
here there's no chance of that.

So to me this looks fine.

I don't really share the concern about extack being netlink specific and
then using it here - it ultimately doesn't matter whether this thing is
called "netlink_extack" or "extended_error_reporting", IMHO.

I guess we could wrap this so we have

struct devlink_error_report {
  /* pretty much identical content to extack? */

and then in this path just print it, while in the actual netlink paths
convert it to extack a level up. That might be the right thing from an
abstraction POV (if we were designing this in Enterprise Architect ;-) )
but pragmatically I'd say it doesn't really matter what the struct is
called, and extack already has helper macros etc.


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