On 10/10/19 7:51 PM, Jeroen Hofstee wrote:
>>> When the rx fifo overflows the ti_hecc would silently drop them since
>>> the overwrite protection is enabled for all mailboxes. So disable it
>>> for the lowest priority mailbox and increment the rx_fifo_errors when
>>> receive message lost is set. Drop the message itself in that case,
>>> since it might be partially updated.
>> Is that your observation or does the data sheet say anything to this
>> situation?
> I couldn't find in the data sheet, so I simply tested it, by allowing
> the highest mailbox to be overwritten and send a stream alternating
> with messages will all bits set and all cleared. That does end with
> canids from one message combined with data from another.

I see. This is why the register is called overwrite _protection_ control.

>>> Signed-off-by: Jeroen Hofstee <jhofs...@victronenergy.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Marc Kleine-Budde <m...@pengutronix.de>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++----
>>>  1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c b/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c
>>> index 6ea29126c60b..c2d83ada203a 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/net/can/ti_hecc.c
>>>  #define HECC_CANTA         0x10    /* Transmission acknowledge */
>>>  #define HECC_CANAA         0x14    /* Abort acknowledge */
>>>  #define HECC_CANRMP                0x18    /* Receive message pending */
>>> -#define HECC_CANRML                0x1C    /* Remote message lost */
>>> +#define HECC_CANRML                0x1C    /* Receive message lost */
>>>  #define HECC_CANRFP                0x20    /* Remote frame pending */
>>>  #define HECC_CANGAM                0x24    /* SECC only:Global acceptance 
>>> mask */
>>>  #define HECC_CANMC         0x28    /* Master control */
>>> @@ -385,8 +385,17 @@ static void ti_hecc_start(struct net_device *ndev)
>>>     /* Enable tx interrupts */
>>>     hecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMIM, BIT(HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX) - 1);
>>> -   /* Prevent message over-write & Enable interrupts */
>>> -   hecc_write(priv, HECC_CANOPC, HECC_SET_REG);
>>> +   /* Prevent message over-write to create a rx fifo, but not for
>>> +    * the lowest priority mailbox, since that allows detecting
>>> +    * overflows instead of the hardware silently dropping the
>>> +    * messages. The lowest rx mailbox is one above the tx ones,
>>> +    * hence its mbxno is the number of tx mailboxes.
>>> +    */
>>> +   mbxno = HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX;
>>> +   mbx_mask = ~BIT(mbxno);
>>> +   hecc_write(priv, HECC_CANOPC, mbx_mask);
>>> +
>>> +   /* Enable interrupts */
>>>     if (priv->use_hecc1int) {
>>>             hecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIL, HECC_SET_REG);
>>>             hecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIM, HECC_CANGIM_DEF_MASK |
>>> @@ -531,6 +540,7 @@ static unsigned int ti_hecc_mailbox_read(struct 
>>> can_rx_offload *offload,
>>>  {
>>>     struct ti_hecc_priv *priv = rx_offload_to_priv(offload);
>>>     u32 data, mbx_mask;
>>> +   int lost;
>>>     mbx_mask = BIT(mbxno);
>>>     data = hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMID);
>>> @@ -552,9 +562,12 @@ static unsigned int ti_hecc_mailbox_read(struct 
>>> can_rx_offload *offload,
>>>     }
>>>     *timestamp = hecc_read_stamp(priv, mbxno);
>>> +   lost = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANRML) & mbx_mask;
>>> +   if (unlikely(lost))
>>> +           priv->offload.dev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++;
>> In the flexcan and at91_can driver we're incrementing the following errors:
>>                      dev->stats.rx_over_errors++;
>>                      dev->stats.rx_errors++;
> I understood it as follows, see[1] e.g.:
> rx_errors -> link level errors, not really applicable to CAN
> (perhaps in single shot mode or if you want)

I increment this for CRC, bit stuffing and all the other bus errors. As
well as on HW FIFO overflows.

> rx_over_errors -> the hardware itself cannot keep up.
> Not applicable for CAN.

If the HW FIFO overflows for whatever reason, I increment this.

> rx_fifo_errors -> the software driver cannot keep up.
> So I picked that one.

If the rx-offload queue reaches it's limit I increment this.

> rx_dropped -> software is dropping on purpose based on limits etc.
> But I might be wrong.

rx-offload used this if the skb cannot be allocated.

Basically the kernel doc gives a general description of these values but
says: look at the driver for exact meaning :)

I wanted to keep it similar with the CAN drivers.

>> You can save the register access if you only check for overflows if
>> reading from the lowest prio mailbox.
>> If you're discarding the data if the mailbox is marked as overflow
>> there's no need to read the data in the first place.
> Mind it that you don't cause a race! The bit can become set
> during reading of the data, it should be check _after_ we
> have a copy of the mailbox.

Right. My understanding of the bit was wrong.

In the flexcan HW there is a similar bit. It says there was an overflow
in this mailbox. But a coherence mechanism guarantees that the mailbox
is not changed by the CAN core, while the ARM accesses it.

> You can do a double check, one
> before one after, but since there should be no fifo overflow
> anyway, there is no reason to optimize for that path. (@250k
> I cannot get more then 3 messages in the fifo...).
Thanks for the explanations,

Pengutronix e.K.                  | Marc Kleine-Budde           |
Industrial Linux Solutions        | Phone: +49-231-2826-924     |
Vertretung West/Dortmund          | Fax:   +49-5121-206917-5555 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686  | http://www.pengutronix.de   |

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