Firstly, thank you  stephen.

Hi, kuznet:

1.  according to my test,  bandwidth limitation is inaccurate for
ingress ipv6 .  The accuracy is affected by burst.   if rate is less
than 100mbit , set burst to 1MB or 2MB, the result is almost
acceptable.  but when rate is bigger , the result is approximately 1/3
of rate.
command:  tc filter add dev qr-869fbdc2-1e parent ffff: protocol ipv6
u32 match ip6 src any police rate 500mbit burst 1M drop
so except for using ifb, what should be done to get a accurate result.

2. can flowid option of  ingess's filter belong to egress's class.
for example    tc filter add dev qr-869fbdc2-1e parent ffff: protocol
ipv6 u32 match ip6 src any police rate 500mbit burst 1M flowid 1:10
 (1:10 classid  is egress's qdisc's class )


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