From: Ido Schimmel <>

Add test cases for devlink-trap on top of the netdevsim implementation.

The tests focus on the devlink-trap core infrastructure and user space
API. They test both good and bad flows and also dismantle of the netdev
and devlink device used to report trapped packets.

This allows device drivers to focus their tests on device-specific

Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <>
Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <>
 tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile        |   2 +-
 tools/testing/selftests/net/config          |   1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/net/ | 616 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile 
index 0bd6b23c97ef..4ea59bf4eeec 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TEST_PROGS +=
 TEST_GEN_FILES =  socket nettest
 TEST_GEN_FILES += psock_fanout psock_tpacket msg_zerocopy reuseport_addr_any
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/config 
index b8503a8119b0..ddd400fd5dce 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/config
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/config
@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ CONFIG_NET_SCH_FQ=m
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/ 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..577bbd6c9411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# This test is for checking devlink-trap functionality. It makes use of
+# netdevsim which implements the required callbacks.
+# Global variables
+# Kselftest framework requirement - SKIP code is 4.
+# Exit status to return at the end. Set in case one of the tests fails.
+# Per-test return value. Clear at the beginning of each test.
+# netdevsim-specific variables.
+# Dependencies
+if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Need root privileges"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ ! -d "$NETDEVSIM_PATH" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: No netdevsim support"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ -d "${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/netdevsim${DEV_ADDR}" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Device netdevsim${DEV_ADDR} already exists"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Could not run test without jq tool"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ ! -x "$(command -v udevadm)" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Could not run test without udevadm tool"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ ! -x "$(command -v ip)" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ip tool"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+if [ ! -x "$(command -v devlink)" ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: Could not run test without devlink tool"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+devlink help 2>&1 | grep -q "trap"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+       echo "SKIP: iproute2 too old, missing devlink-trap"
+       exit $KSFT_SKIP
+# Helpers
+       local err=$1; shift
+       local msg=$1; shift
+       if [[ $RET -eq 0 && $err -ne 0 ]]; then
+               RET=$err
+               RETMSG=$msg
+       fi
+       local err=$1; shift
+       local msg=$1; shift
+       if [[ $RET -eq 0 && $err -eq 0 ]]; then
+               RET=1
+               RETMSG=$msg
+       fi
+       local test_name=$1
+       local opt_str=$2
+       if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
+               opt_str="($opt_str)"
+       fi
+       if [[ $RET -ne 0 ]]; then
+               EXIT_STATUS=1
+               printf "TEST: %-60s  [FAIL]\n" "$test_name $opt_str"
+               if [[ ! -z "$RETMSG" ]]; then
+                       printf "\t%s\n" "$RETMSG"
+               fi
+               return 1
+       fi
+       printf "TEST: %-60s  [ OK ]\n" "$test_name $opt_str"
+       return 0
+       echo "$DEV_ADDR 0" > ${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/new_device
+       echo "$DEV_ADDR" > ${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/del_device
+       echo 1 > ${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/${DEV}/new_port
+       echo 1 > ${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/${DEV}/del_port
+# Trap helpers
+       devlink -j trap | jq '.[]["'$DEVLINK_DEV'"] | length'
+       devlink -j trap | jq -r '.[]["'$DEVLINK_DEV'"][].name'
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -j trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq -r '.[][][].type'
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       local action=$1; shift
+       # Pipe output to /dev/null to avoid expected warnings.
+       devlink trap set $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               action $action &> /dev/null
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -j trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq -r '.[][][].action'
+       devlink -j trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq -r '.[][][].group'
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       local metadata=$1; shift
+       devlink -jv trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq -e '.[][][].metadata | contains(["'$metadata'"])' \
+               &> /dev/null
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -js trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq '.[][][]["stats"]["rx"]["packets"]'
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -js trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name \
+               | jq '.[][][]["stats"]["rx"]["bytes"]'
+       local trap_name=$1; shift
+       local t0_packets t0_bytes
+       local t1_packets t1_bytes
+       t0_packets=$(devlink_trap_rx_packets_get $trap_name)
+       t0_bytes=$(devlink_trap_rx_bytes_get $trap_name)
+       sleep $SLEEP_TIME
+       t1_packets=$(devlink_trap_rx_packets_get $trap_name)
+       t1_bytes=$(devlink_trap_rx_bytes_get $trap_name)
+       if [[ $t0_packets -eq $t1_packets && $t0_bytes -eq $t1_bytes ]]; then
+               return 0
+       else
+               return 1
+       fi
+       local trap_name
+       for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+               devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "trap"
+       done
+       for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+               devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "drop"
+       done
+# Trap group helpers
+       devlink -j trap group | jq -r '.[]["'$DEVLINK_DEV'"][].name'
+       local group_name=$1; shift
+       local action=$1; shift
+       # Pipe output to /dev/null to avoid expected warnings.
+       devlink trap group set $DEVLINK_DEV group $group_name action $action \
+               &> /dev/null
+       local group_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -js trap group show $DEVLINK_DEV group $group_name \
+               | jq '.[][][]["stats"]["rx"]["packets"]'
+       local group_name=$1; shift
+       devlink -js trap group show $DEVLINK_DEV group $group_name \
+               | jq '.[][][]["stats"]["rx"]["bytes"]'
+       local group_name=$1; shift
+       local t0_packets t0_bytes
+       local t1_packets t1_bytes
+       t0_packets=$(devlink_trap_group_rx_packets_get $group_name)
+       t0_bytes=$(devlink_trap_group_rx_bytes_get $group_name)
+       sleep $SLEEP_TIME
+       t1_packets=$(devlink_trap_group_rx_packets_get $group_name)
+       t1_bytes=$(devlink_trap_group_rx_bytes_get $group_name)
+       if [[ $t0_packets -eq $t1_packets && $t0_bytes -eq $t1_bytes ]]; then
+               return 0
+       else
+               return 1
+       fi
+# Initialization
+       local netdev
+       DEV=netdevsim${DEV_ADDR}
+       DEVLINK_DEV=netdevsim/${DEV}
+       netdevsim_dev_create
+       if [ ! -d "${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/${DEV}" ]; then
+               echo "Failed to create netdevsim device"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       netdevsim_port_create
+       if [ ! -d "${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/${DEV}/net/" ]; then
+               echo "Failed to create netdevsim port"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       # Wait for udev to rename newly created netdev.
+       udevadm settle
+       NETDEV=$(ls ${NETDEVSIM_PATH}/devices/${DEV}/net/)
+       netdevsim_port_destroy
+       netdevsim_dev_destroy
+# Tests
+       RET=0
+       test $(devlink_traps_num_get) -ne 0
+       check_err $? "No traps were registered"
+       log_test "Initialization"
+       local orig_action
+       local trap_name
+       local action
+       RET=0
+       for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+               # The action of non-drop traps cannot be changed.
+               if [ $(devlink_trap_type_get $trap_name) = "drop" ]; then
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "trap"
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != "trap" ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name did not change 
action to trap"
+                       fi
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "drop"
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != "drop" ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name did not change 
action to drop"
+                       fi
+               else
+                       orig_action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "trap"
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != $orig_action ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name changed action 
when should not"
+                       fi
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "drop"
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != $orig_action ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name changed action 
when should not"
+                       fi
+               fi
+       done
+       log_test "Trap action"
+       local trap_name
+       RET=0
+       for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+               devlink_trap_metadata_test $trap_name "input_port"
+               check_err $? "Input port not reported as metadata of trap 
+       done
+       log_test "Trap metadata"
+       RET=0
+       devlink_trap_action_set "made_up_trap" "drop"
+       check_fail $? "Did not get an error for non-existing trap"
+       log_test "Non-existing trap"
+       local traps_arr
+       local trap_name
+       RET=0
+       # Pick first trap.
+       traps_arr=($(devlink_traps_get))
+       trap_name=${traps_arr[0]}
+       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "made_up_action"
+       check_fail $? "Did not get an error for non-existing trap action"
+       log_test "Non-existing trap action"
+       local trap_name
+       RET=0
+       for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+               devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
+               check_err $? "Stats of trap $trap_name not idle when netdev 
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV up
+               if [ $(devlink_trap_type_get $trap_name) = "drop" ]; then
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "trap"
+                       devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
+                       check_fail $? "Stats of trap $trap_name idle when 
action is trap"
+                       devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "drop"
+                       devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
+                       check_err $? "Stats of trap $trap_name not idle when 
action is drop"
+               else
+                       devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
+                       check_fail $? "Stats of non-drop trap $trap_name idle 
when should not"
+               fi
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV down
+       done
+       log_test "Trap statistics"
+       local curr_group group_name
+       local trap_name
+       local trap_type
+       local action
+       RET=0
+       for group_name in $(devlink_trap_groups_get); do
+               devlink_trap_group_action_set $group_name "trap"
+               for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+                       curr_group=$(devlink_trap_group_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $curr_group != $group_name ]; then
+                               continue
+                       fi
+                       trap_type=$(devlink_trap_type_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $trap_type != "drop" ]; then
+                               continue
+                       fi
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != "trap" ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name did not change 
action to trap"
+                       fi
+               done
+               devlink_trap_group_action_set $group_name "drop"
+               for trap_name in $(devlink_traps_get); do
+                       curr_group=$(devlink_trap_group_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $curr_group != $group_name ]; then
+                               continue
+                       fi
+                       trap_type=$(devlink_trap_type_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $trap_type != "drop" ]; then
+                               continue
+                       fi
+                       action=$(devlink_trap_action_get $trap_name)
+                       if [ $action != "drop" ]; then
+                               check_err 1 "Trap $trap_name did not change 
action to drop"
+                       fi
+               done
+       done
+       log_test "Trap group action"
+       RET=0
+       devlink_trap_group_action_set "made_up_trap_group" "drop"
+       check_fail $? "Did not get an error for non-existing trap group"
+       log_test "Non-existing trap group"
+       local group_name
+       RET=0
+       for group_name in $(devlink_trap_groups_get); do
+               devlink_trap_group_stats_idle_test $group_name
+               check_err $? "Stats of trap group $group_name not idle when 
netdev down"
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV up
+               devlink_trap_group_action_set $group_name "trap"
+               devlink_trap_group_stats_idle_test $group_name
+               check_fail $? "Stats of trap group $group_name idle when action 
is trap"
+               devlink_trap_group_action_set $group_name "drop"
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV down
+       done
+       log_test "Trap group statistics"
+       local group_name
+       local i
+       # The test never fails. It is meant to exercise different code paths
+       # and make sure we properly dismantle a port while packets are
+       # in-flight.
+       RET=0
+       devlink_traps_enable_all
+       for i in $(seq 1 10); do
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV up
+               sleep $SLEEP_TIME
+               netdevsim_port_destroy
+               netdevsim_port_create
+               udevadm settle
+       done
+       devlink_traps_disable_all
+       log_test "Port delete"
+       local group_name
+       local i
+       # The test never fails. It is meant to exercise different code paths
+       # and make sure we properly unregister traps while packets are
+       # in-flight.
+       RET=0
+       devlink_traps_enable_all
+       for i in $(seq 1 10); do
+               ip link set dev $NETDEV up
+               sleep $SLEEP_TIME
+               cleanup
+               setup_prepare
+       done
+       devlink_traps_disable_all
+       log_test "Device delete"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Each test should make sure that initial state is resumed at the end.

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