On Fri, 2019-07-05 at 17:46 -0700, Jay Vosburgh wrote:
>       I did set this up and test it, but haven't had time to analyze
> in depth.
>       What I saw was that ping (IPv4) flood worked fine, bonded or
> not, over a span of several hours.

Interesting.  In contrast to my experience.

> However, ping6 showed small numbers
> of drops on a ping6 flood when bonded, on the order of 200 drops out
> of
> 48,000,000 requests sent.

I wonder if that's indicative of what I'm seeing.  Strange that you
only see it on IPv6 though.  I'm seeing it on IPv4.

> Zero losses when no bond in the stack.

That's what I see for IPv4.

> Both
> tests to the same peer connected to the same switch.


> All of the above
> with the bond using the Ethernet slave.

Also ditto.  Wifi introduces latencies (at least) which mask the
underlying issue.

> I haven't tracked down where
> those losses are occurring, so I don't know if it's on the transmit
> or
> receive sides (or both).

Personally, I suspect it's on the receive.  I suspect the host I am
testing from sends the ICMP echo requests just fine.  It's just not
getting the ICMP echo responses back.

Any ideas on further avenues to debugging this?


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