On 7/9/2019 6:36 PM, Marcelo Ricardo Leitner wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 06:58:36AM +0000, Paul Blakey wrote:
>> On 7/8/2019 8:54 PM, Marcelo Ricardo Leitner wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 07, 2019 at 11:53:47AM +0300, Paul Blakey wrote:
>>>> New tc action to send packets to conntrack module, commit
>>>> them, and set a zone, labels, mark, and nat on the connection.
>>>> It can also clear the packet's conntrack state by using clear.
>>>> Usage:
>>>>      ct clear
>>>>      ct commit [force] [zone] [mark] [label] [nat]
>>> Isn't the 'commit' also optional? More like
>>>       ct [commit [force]] [zone] [mark] [label] [nat]
>>>>      ct [nat] [zone]
>>>> Signed-off-by: Paul Blakey <pa...@mellanox.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <marcelo.leit...@gmail.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Yossi Kuperman <yoss...@mellanox.com>
>>>> Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <j...@mellanox.com>
>>>> Acked-by: Roi Dayan <r...@mellanox.com>
>>>> ---
>>> ...
>>>> +static void
>>>> +usage(void)
>>>> +{
>>>> +  fprintf(stderr,
>>>> +          "Usage: ct clear\n"
>>>> +          "       ct commit [force] [zone ZONE] [mark MASKED_MARK] [label 
>>>> MASKED_LABEL] [nat NAT_SPEC]\n"
>>> Ditto here then.
>> In commit msg and here, it means there is multiple modes of operation. I
>> think it's easier to split those.
> Yep, that is good.
> More below.
>> "ct clear" to clear it , not other options can be added here.
>> "ct commit  [force].... " sends to conntrack and commit a connection,
>> and only for commit can you specify force mark  label, and nat with
>> nat_spec....
>> and the last one, "ct [nat] [zone ZONE]" is to just send the packet to
>> conntrack on some zone [optional], restore nat [optional].
>>>> +          "       ct [nat] [zone ZONE]\n"
>>>> +          "Where: ZONE is the conntrack zone table number\n"
>>>> +          "       NAT_SPEC is {src|dst} addr addr1[-addr2] [port 
>>>> port1[-port2]]\n"
>>>> +          "\n");
>>>> +  exit(-1);
>>>> +}
>>> ...
>>> The validation below doesn't enforce that commit must be there for
>>> such case.
>> which case? commit is optional. the above are the three valid patterns.
> That's the point. But the 2nd example is saying 'commit' word is
> mandatory in that mode. It is written as it is a command that was
> selected.
> One may use just:
>      ct [zone]
> And not
>      ct commit [zone]
> Right?

It is optional in the overall syntax.

But I split it into modes:

clear, commit, and "restore" (I unofficial call it like that, because it 
usually used to get the +est state on the packet and can restore nat, it 
doesn't actually restore anything for the first packet on the -trk rule)

It is mandatory in the second mode (commit), if you don't specify commit 
or clear, you can only use the third form - "restore", which is to send 
to ct on some optional zone, and optionally and restore nat (so we get 
ct [zone] [nat]).

I think this syntax is easy, maybe I can label them as the modes of 
operation above (then I'll need to name the restore one better :)).

If there is a different syntax you think might be easier I'll change to 



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