Hi Andrew,

On 30/06/2019 16:55, Andrew Lunn wrote:
> Hi Karsten
> What MAC address do you get with the vendor driver? Is it the same MAC
> address every time you reboot, or does it look random.
> The BIOS is expected to program the MAC address into the hardware. It
> could be that the vendor driver is checking if the MAC address is
> valid, and if not, picking a random MAC address. The mainline driver
> does not do this.

I programmed a static DHCP-entry on my local DHCP-server so I would
notice if the MAC address changes. Just turned the computer back on and
received the intended IP address, so the MAC address seems to stay the
same with the vendor driver.

The vendor part of my MAC is 6e:69:73 which is interesting because
according to some Vendor-Lookup-pages the vendor is unknown.


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