Correct CC


Feng Li

Li Feng <> 于2019年6月21日周五 下午4:07写道:
> Hi, SPDK & Netdev,
> When running fio with SPDK iscsi target,
> we find the localhost interface has a bad performance,
> contrast to access from the remote node.
> After upgrade the kernel to 5.1, this issue still exists.
> There are some fio data of 4k randread, QD=128, jobs = 1:
> iSCSI server run on the NODE1, fio run on NODE1 or NODE2.
> Fio +  localhost(NODE1) + openiscsi + SPDK + NVMe
> (3.10.0-693.11.6.el7)          62k
> Fio +  localhost(NODE1) + openiscsi + SPDK + NVMe (5.1 kernel)
>                 86k
> Fio + remote node(NODE2) + openiscsi + SPDK + NVMe
> (3.10.0-693.11.6.el7)    120k
> Try 1:
> Connect localhost target with another interface ip (e.g. 10.0.xx.yy),
> the performance is poor. The kernel driver could recognize this is a
> local access, and use loopback directly.
> Try 2:
> Setup a new namespace, and add another interface in this ns, and iSCSI
> target listen on this interface.
> Openiscsi connects from the current host, the performance is good.
> Question:
> 1. Is this a known issue about the loopback? Any workaround?
> 2. If this is no solution about loopback, how do we force the local
> interface(, and other nic interfaces) over the wire, not
> directly pass in the host?
> Thanks,
> Feng Li

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