On 24.05.2019 21:55, Maxim Uvarov wrote:
> пт, 24 мая 2019 г. в 20:24, Heiner Kallweit <hkallwe...@gmail.com>:
>> On 24.05.2019 12:25, Max Uvarov wrote:
>>> After reset SGMII Autoneg timer is set to 2us (bits 6 and 5 are 01).
>>> That us not enough to finalize autonegatiation on some devices.
>>> Increase this timer duration to maximum supported 16ms.
>>> Signed-off-by: Max Uvarov <muva...@gmail.com>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/net/phy/dp83867.c | 13 +++++++++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/dp83867.c b/drivers/net/phy/dp83867.c
>>> index afd31c516cc7..66b0a09ad094 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/net/phy/dp83867.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/net/phy/dp83867.c
>>> @@ -297,6 +297,19 @@ static int dp83867_config_init(struct phy_device 
>>> *phydev)
>>>                       WARN_ONCE(1, "dp83867: err DP83867_10M_SGMII_CFG\n");
>>>                       return ret;
>>>               }
>>> +
>>> +             /* After reset SGMII Autoneg timer is set to 2us (bits 6 and 5
>>> +              * are 01). That us not enough to finalize autoneg on some
>>> +              * devices. Increase this timer duration to maximum 16ms.
>>> +              */
>> In the public datasheet the bits are described as reserved. However, based on
>> the value, I suppose it's not a timer value but the timer resolution.
> No, it's public:
> http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dp83867e.pdf page 72.
I just searched for Dp83867 and found this one:
This PHY seems to have the same ID, but the timer bits are at least not

> SGMII Auto-Negotiation Timer Duration.
I see, we talk about SGMII aneg, not PHY aneg. My bad.

>>> +             val = phy_read_mmd(phydev, DP83867_DEVADDR, DP83867_CFG4);
>>> +             val &= ~(BIT(5) | BIT(6));
>>> +             ret = phy_write_mmd(phydev, DP83867_DEVADDR, DP83867_CFG4, 
>>> val);
>>> +             if (ret) {
>>> +                     WARN_ONCE(1, "dp83867: error config sgmii auto-neg 
>>> timer\n");
>>> +                     return ret;
>> Same comment as for patch 1.
> Yes, the same answer. I want to capture hardware error then silently
> return error and then debug it.

If you have hardware with buggy MDIO support, then the problem could occur
in any MDIO access. I think then the WARN should be in the MDIO bus ops.

> WARN is more informative then some random "phy not detected" things.
> Max.
>>> +             }
>>> +
>>>       }
>>>       /* Enable Interrupt output INT_OE in CFG3 register */

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