
EEE is enabled for odroid - c2 and should be working in 5.0-rc7 afaik ?

there was a recent patch for this which was added to mainline


Am 18.02.2019 um 17:26 schrieb Jose Abreu:
> On 2/18/2019 3:53 PM, Simon Huelck wrote:
>> How can i do this (reset stats) ?
> A simple ifdown / ifup should work.
>> The .dtb .dts is meson-gxbb-odroid-c2 from mainline kernel 5.0.rc7
> So, according to your DT bindings you have broken EEE yet it's
> still enabled in stmmac as we see the LPI counters increase.
> Try adding a simple "return false;" in the beginning of
> stmmac_eee_init() function and check if it works.
> BTW, you still haven't sent any dmesg logs, which can be handy
> and you also shouldn't top post.
> Thanks,
> Jose Miguel Abreu

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