Sat, Feb 02, 2019 at 01:03:38AM CET, wrote:
>Add support for reading the device serial number and versions
>from the kernel.
> - make info subcommand of dev.

Please add some examples of inputs and outputs.

>Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
> devlink/devlink.c      | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> man/man8/devlink-dev.8 |  36 +++++++
> 2 files changed, 243 insertions(+)
>diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
>index 3651e90c1159..3ab046ace8f8 100644
>--- a/devlink/devlink.c
>+++ b/devlink/devlink.c
>@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ static void ifname_map_free(struct ifname_map *ifname_map)
> #define DL_OPT_REGION_ADDRESS         BIT(23)
> #define DL_OPT_REGION_LENGTH          BIT(24)
>+#define DL_OPT_VERSIONS_TYPE          BIT(25)

Why "type"? Confusing.

> struct dl_opts {
>       uint32_t present; /* flags of present items */
>@@ -230,6 +231,7 @@ struct dl_opts {
>       uint32_t region_snapshot_id;
>       uint64_t region_address;
>       uint64_t region_length;
>+      int versions_attr;
> };
> struct dl {
>@@ -383,6 +385,13 @@ static const enum mnl_attr_data_type 
>devlink_policy[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
> };
> static int attr_cb(const struct nlattr *attr, void *data)
>@@ -943,6 +952,21 @@ static int param_cmode_get(const char *cmodestr,
>       return 0;
> }
>+static int versions_type_get(const char *typestr, int *p_attr)
>+      if (strcmp(typestr, "fixed") == 0) {
>+              *p_attr = DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_FIXED;
>+      } else if (strcmp(typestr, "stored") == 0) {
>+              *p_attr = DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_STORED;
>+      } else if (strcmp(typestr, "running") == 0) {
>+              *p_attr = DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_RUNNING;
>+      } else {
>+              pr_err("Unknown versions type \"%s\"\n", typestr);
>+              return -EINVAL;
>+      }
>+      return 0;
> static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
>                        uint32_t o_optional)
> {
>@@ -1178,6 +1202,19 @@ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t 
>                       if (err)
>                               return err;
>                       o_found |= DL_OPT_REGION_LENGTH;
>+              } else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "versions") &&
>+                         (o_all & DL_OPT_VERSIONS_TYPE)) {
>+                      const char *versionstr;
>+                      dl_arg_inc(dl);
>+                      err = dl_argv_str(dl, &versionstr);
>+                      if (err)
>+                              return err;
>+                      err = versions_type_get(versionstr,
>+                                              &opts->versions_attr);
>+                      if (err)
>+                              return err;
>+                      o_found |= DL_OPT_VERSIONS_TYPE;
>               } else {
>                       pr_err("Unknown option \"%s\"\n", dl_argv(dl));
>                       return -EINVAL;
>@@ -1443,6 +1480,9 @@ static void cmd_dev_help(void)
>       pr_err("       devlink dev param set DEV name PARAMETER value VALUE 
> cmode { permanent | driverinit | runtime }\n");
>       pr_err("       devlink dev param show [DEV name PARAMETER]\n");
>       pr_err("       devlink dev reload DEV\n");
>+      pr_err("       devlink dev info [ DEV [ { versions [ VTYPE ] } ] ]\n");
>+      pr_err("\n");
>+      pr_err("       VTYPE := { fixed | running | stored }\n");

So you would like to filter according to the version type? Why?

> }
> static bool cmp_arr_last_handle(struct dl *dl, const char *bus_name,
>@@ -1775,6 +1815,30 @@ static void pr_out_array_end(struct dl *dl)
>       }
> }
>+static void pr_out_object_start(struct dl *dl, const char *name)
>+      if (dl->json_output) {
>+              jsonw_name(dl->jw, name);
>+              jsonw_start_object(dl->jw);
>+      } else {
>+              __pr_out_indent_inc();
>+              __pr_out_newline();
>+              pr_out("%s:", name);
>+              __pr_out_indent_inc();
>+              __pr_out_newline();
>+      }
>+static void pr_out_object_end(struct dl *dl)
>+      if (dl->json_output) {
>+              jsonw_end_object(dl->jw);
>+      } else {
>+              __pr_out_indent_dec();
>+              __pr_out_indent_dec();
>+      }
> static void pr_out_entry_start(struct dl *dl)
> {
>       if (dl->json_output)
>@@ -2415,6 +2479,146 @@ static int cmd_dev_reload(struct dl *dl)
>       return _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, NULL, NULL);
> }
>+static void pr_out_versions_single(struct dl *dl, const struct nlmsghdr *nlh,
>+                                 const char *name, int type)
>+      struct nlattr *version;
>+      if (dl->opts.versions_attr && dl->opts.versions_attr != type)
>+              return;
>+      mnl_attr_for_each(version, nlh, sizeof(struct genlmsghdr)) {
>+              struct nlattr *tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
>+              const char *ver_value;
>+              const char *ver_name;
>+              int err;
>+              if (mnl_attr_get_type(version) != type)
>+                      continue;
>+              err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(version, attr_cb, tb);
>+              if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
>+                      continue;
>+              if (!tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_NAME] ||
>+                  !tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_VALUE])
>+                      continue;
>+              if (name) {
>+                      pr_out_object_start(dl, name);
>+                      name = NULL;
>+              }
>+              ver_name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_NAME]);
>+              ver_value = 
>+              pr_out_str(dl, ver_name, ver_value);
>+              if (!dl->json_output)
>+                      __pr_out_newline();
>+      }
>+      if (!name)
>+              pr_out_object_end(dl);
>+static void pr_out_info(struct dl *dl, const struct nlmsghdr *nlh,
>+                      struct nlattr **tb, bool has_versions)
>+      __pr_out_handle_start(dl, tb, true, false);
>+      __pr_out_indent_inc();
>+      if (!dl->opts.versions_attr && tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_DRIVER_NAME]) {
>+              struct nlattr *nla_drv = tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_DRIVER_NAME];
>+              __pr_out_newline();
>+              pr_out_str(dl, "driver", mnl_attr_get_str(nla_drv));
>+      }
>+      if (!dl->opts.versions_attr && tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER]) {
>+              struct nlattr *nla_sn = tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER];
>+              __pr_out_newline();
>+              pr_out_str(dl, "serial_number", mnl_attr_get_str(nla_sn));
>+      }
>+      __pr_out_indent_dec();
>+      if (has_versions) {
>+              pr_out_object_start(dl, "versions");
>+              pr_out_versions_single(dl, nlh, "fixed",
>+                                     DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_FIXED);
>+              pr_out_versions_single(dl, nlh, "running",
>+                                     DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_RUNNING);
>+              pr_out_versions_single(dl, nlh, "stored",
>+                                     DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_STORED);
>+              pr_out_object_end(dl);
>+      }
>+      pr_out_handle_end(dl);
>+static int cmd_versions_show_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
>+      struct genlmsghdr *genl = mnl_nlmsg_get_payload(nlh);
>+      struct nlattr *tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
>+      bool has_versions, has_info;
>+      struct dl *dl = data;
>+      mnl_attr_parse(nlh, sizeof(*genl), attr_cb, tb);
>+              return MNL_CB_ERROR;
>+      has_versions = tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_VERSION_FIXED] ||
>+      has_info = tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_DRIVER_NAME] ||
>+              tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER] ||
>+              has_versions;
>+      if (has_info)
>+              pr_out_info(dl, nlh, tb, has_versions);
>+      return MNL_CB_OK;
>+static void cmd_dev_info_help(void)
>+      pr_err("Usage: devlink dev info [ DEV [ { versions [ VTYPE ] } ] ]\n");
>+      pr_err("\n");
>+      pr_err("       VTYPE := { fixed | running | stored }\n");
>+static int cmd_dev_info(struct dl *dl)
>+      struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
>+      uint16_t flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK;
>+      int err;
>+      if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help")) {
>+              cmd_dev_info_help();
>+              return 0;
>+      }
>+      if (dl_argc(dl) == 0)
>+              flags |= NLM_F_DUMP;
>+      nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_INFO_GET, flags);
>+      if (dl_argc(dl) > 0) {
>+              err = dl_argv_parse_put(nlh, dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE,
>+                                      DL_OPT_VERSIONS_TYPE);
>+              if (err)
>+                      return err;
>+      }
>+      pr_out_section_start(dl, "info");
>+      err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, cmd_versions_show_cb, dl);
>+      pr_out_section_end(dl);
>+      return err;
> static int cmd_dev(struct dl *dl)
> {
>       if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help")) {
>@@ -2433,6 +2637,9 @@ static int cmd_dev(struct dl *dl)
>       } else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "param")) {
>               dl_arg_inc(dl);
>               return cmd_dev_param(dl);
>+      } else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "info")) {
>+              dl_arg_inc(dl);
>+              return cmd_dev_info(dl);
>       }
>       pr_err("Command \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
>       return -ENOENT;
>diff --git a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8 b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
>index d985da172aa0..5b05298f88bf 100644
>--- a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
>+++ b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
>@@ -63,6 +63,17 @@ devlink-dev \- devlink device configuration
> .BR "devlink dev reload"
>+.ti -8
>+.BR "devlink dev info"
>+.RI "[ " DEV
>+.RI "["
>+.BR versions
>+.RI "{ "
>+.BR fixed " | " running " | " stored
>+.RI "} "
>+.RI "]"
>+.RI "]"
> .SS devlink dev show - display devlink device attributes
>@@ -151,6 +162,31 @@ If this argument is omitted all parameters supported by 
>devlink devices are list
> .I "DEV"
> - Specifies the devlink device to reload.
>+.SS devlink dev info - display device information.
>+Display device information provided by the driver. This command can be used
>+to query versions of the hardware components or device components which
>+can't be updated (
>+.I fixed
>+) as well as device firmware which can be updated. For firmware components
>+.I running
>+displays the versions of firmware currently loaded into the device, while
>+.I stored
>+reports the versions in device's flash.
>+.I Running
>+.I stored
>+versions may differ after flash has been updated, but before reboot.
>+.I "DEV"
>+- specifies the devlink device to show.
>+If this argument is omitted all devices are listed.
>+.BR versions " { " fixed " | " running " | " stored " } "
>+- specifies the versions category to show.
>+If this argument is omitted all categories are listed.
> .PP
> devlink dev show

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