Sorry about the greenhorn question.

When I got to thinking about doing this, I realized that I really
wasn't sure I knew how.  My googling has failed to turn up a
definitive answer... never clear if what is talked about is the same
as what I want to do.  Probably due to my inexperience with the lingo
of and networking in general

My current network:

                          comcast modem router
     Personal home router (TP-link AC1750) with wifi  for the house
  -------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------
                       ( yet to be added)
      What I plan to do below is lay a 14 inch deep narrow trench to
      garage, then run an 1 1/2 inch pvc pipe to garage for housing the
      ethernet line to garage..
  -------       -------       ---=---       -------       ------- 
    130 feet of underground Cat7 or cat6a ethernet wire (underground)
                     router w/ wifi  ( used as access point)        
                      Hosts on a Different subnet

So, the question is: Can I use most any router (with wifi) at the
garage end by just plugging 130 feet of ethernet into the TP-link 1750
in the house and some (as yet unspecified piece of) equip in the Garage
and thereby establish both ethernet and wifi service in the Garage on
a different subnet?

Or do I need some specific piece of equipment at the garage end? If
not: can anyone suggest what to use.

I'm not averse to buying a new piece of equip for this.

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