From: Nir Dotan <>

Bloom filter index computation is based on the values of
{rule & mask, mask ID, region ID} and the computation also varies
according to the region key size.

Add a test that exercises the possible combinations by creating
multiple chains using different key sizes and then pass a frame that
is supposed to to produce a hit on all of the regions.

Signed-off-by: Nir Dotan <>
Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <>
 .../drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/ | 85 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/ 
index ad66e3e94cc9..a7667ebc578f 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ lib_dir=$(dirname $0)/../../../../net/forwarding
 ALL_TESTS="single_mask_test identical_filters_test two_masks_test \
        multiple_masks_test ctcam_edge_cases_test delta_simple_test \
-       bloom_simple_test"
+       bloom_simple_test bloom_complex_test"
 source $lib_dir/
 source $lib_dir/
@@ -459,6 +459,89 @@ bloom_simple_test()
        log_test "bloom simple test ($tcflags)"
+       # Bloom filter index computation is affected from region ID, eRP
+       # ID and from the region key size. In order to excercise those parts
+       # of the Bloom filter code, use a series of regions, each with a
+       # different key size and send packet that should hit all of them.
+       local index
+       RET=0
+       NUM_CHAINS=4
+       BASE_INDEX=100
+       # Create chain with up to 2 key blocks (ip_proto only)
+       tc chain add dev $h2 ingress chain 1 protocol ip flower \
+               ip_proto tcp &> /dev/null
+       # Create chain with 2-4 key blocks (ip_proto, src MAC)
+       tc chain add dev $h2 ingress chain 2 protocol ip flower \
+               ip_proto tcp \
+               src_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF &> /dev/null
+       # Create chain with 4-8 key blocks (ip_proto, src & dst MAC, IPv4 dest)
+       tc chain add dev $h2 ingress chain 3 protocol ip flower \
+               ip_proto tcp \
+               dst_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF \
+               src_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF \
+               dst_ip &> /dev/null
+       # Default chain contains all fields and therefore is 8-12 key blocks
+       tc chain add dev $h2 ingress chain 4
+       # We need at least 2 rules in every region to have eRP table active
+       # so create a dummy rule per chain using a different pattern
+       for i in $(eval echo {0..$NUM_CHAINS}); do
+               index=$((BASE_INDEX - 1 - i))
+               tc filter add dev $h2 ingress chain $i protocol ip \
+                       pref 2 handle $index flower \
+                       $tcflags ip_proto tcp action drop
+       done
+       # Add rules to test Bloom filter, each in a different chain
+       index=$BASE_INDEX
+       tc filter add dev $h2 ingress protocol ip \
+               pref 1 handle $((++index)) flower \
+               $tcflags dst_ip action goto chain 1
+       tc filter add dev $h2 ingress chain 1 protocol ip \
+               pref 1 handle $((++index)) flower \
+               $tcflags action goto chain 2
+       tc filter add dev $h2 ingress chain 2 protocol ip \
+               pref 1 handle $((++index)) flower \
+               $tcflags src_mac $h1mac action goto chain 3
+       tc filter add dev $h2 ingress chain 3 protocol ip \
+               pref 1 handle $((++index)) flower \
+               $tcflags dst_ip action goto chain 4
+       tc filter add dev $h2 ingress chain 4 protocol ip \
+               pref 1 handle $((++index)) flower \
+               $tcflags src_ip action drop
+       # Send a packet that is supposed to hit all chains
+       $MZ $h1 -c 1 -p 64 -a $h1mac -b $h2mac -A -B \
+               -t ip -q
+       for i in $(eval echo {0..$NUM_CHAINS}); do
+               index=$((BASE_INDEX + i + 1))
+               tc_check_packets "dev $h2 ingress" $index 1
+               check_err $? "Did not match chain $i"
+       done
+       # Rules cleanup
+       for i in $(eval echo {$NUM_CHAINS..0}); do
+               index=$((BASE_INDEX - i - 1))
+               tc filter del dev $h2 ingress chain $i \
+                       pref 2 handle $index flower
+               index=$((BASE_INDEX + i + 1))
+               tc filter del dev $h2 ingress chain $i \
+                       pref 1 handle $index flower
+       done
+       # Chains cleanup
+       for i in $(eval echo {$NUM_CHAINS..1}); do
+               tc chain del dev $h2 ingress chain $i
+       done
+       log_test "bloom complex test ($tcflags)"

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