> Eventually we'd have three types of mii_xxx_to_linkmode_yyy functions:
> 1. Function first zeroes the destination linkmode bitmap
> 2. Function sets bits in the linkmode bitmap but doesn't clear bits
>    if condition isn't met
> 3. Function clears / sets bits it's responsible for
> example case 1: mmd_eee_adv_to_linkmode
> example case 2: mii_stat1000_to_linkmode_lpa_t
> example case 3: what you just proposed as fix for
>                 mii_adv_to_linkmode_adv_t
> Because function naming is the same I'm afraid they easily can be used
> incorrectly (the bugs we just discuss are good examples). Maybe it
> could be an option to reflect the semantics in the name like this
> (better suited proposals welcome):
> case 1: mii_xxx_to_linkmode_yyy
> case 2: mii_xxx_or_linkmode_yyy
> case 3: mii_xxx_mod_linkmode_yyy

Hi Heiner

That is a good idea. We should probably do this first, it will help
find the bugs.


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