Check that iterating two separate hash maps produces the same
order of keys if BPF_F_ZERO_SEED is used.

Signed-off-by: Lorenz Bauer <>
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_maps.c | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_maps.c 
index 9b552c0fc47d..a8d6af27803a 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_maps.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_maps.c
@@ -257,23 +257,35 @@ static void test_hashmap_percpu(int task, void *data)
+static int helper_fill_hashmap(int max_entries)
+       int i, fd, ret;
+       long long key, value;
+       fd = bpf_create_map(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, sizeof(key), sizeof(value),
+                           max_entries, map_flags);
+       CHECK(fd < 0,
+             "failed to create hashmap",
+             "err: %s, flags: 0x%x\n", strerror(errno), map_flags);
+       for (i = 0; i < max_entries; i++) {
+               key = i; value = key;
+               ret = bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &key, &value, BPF_NOEXIST);
+               CHECK(ret != 0,
+                     "can't update hashmap",
+                     "err: %s\n", strerror(ret));
+       }
+       return fd;
 static void test_hashmap_walk(int task, void *data)
        int fd, i, max_entries = 1000;
        long long key, value, next_key;
        bool next_key_valid = true;
-       fd = bpf_create_map(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, sizeof(key), sizeof(value),
-                           max_entries, map_flags);
-       if (fd < 0) {
-               printf("Failed to create hashmap '%s'!\n", strerror(errno));
-               exit(1);
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < max_entries; i++) {
-               key = i; value = key;
-               assert(bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &key, &value, BPF_NOEXIST) == 0);
-       }
+       fd = helper_fill_hashmap(max_entries);
        for (i = 0; bpf_map_get_next_key(fd, !i ? NULL : &key,
                                         &next_key) == 0; i++) {
@@ -305,6 +317,39 @@ static void test_hashmap_walk(int task, void *data)
+static void test_hashmap_zero_seed(void)
+       int i, first, second, old_flags;
+       long long key, next_first, next_second;
+       old_flags = map_flags;
+       map_flags |= BPF_F_ZERO_SEED;
+       first = helper_fill_hashmap(3);
+       second = helper_fill_hashmap(3);
+       for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+               void *key_ptr = !i ? NULL : &key;
+               if (bpf_map_get_next_key(first, key_ptr, &next_first) != 0)
+                       break;
+               CHECK(bpf_map_get_next_key(second, key_ptr, &next_second) != 0,
+                     "next_key for second map must succeed",
+                     "key_ptr: %p", key_ptr);
+               CHECK(next_first != next_second,
+                     "keys must match",
+                     "i: %d first: %lld second: %lld\n", i,
+                     next_first, next_second);
+               key = next_first;
+       }
+       map_flags = old_flags;
+       close(first);
+       close(second);
 static void test_arraymap(int task, void *data)
        int key, next_key, fd;
@@ -1417,6 +1462,7 @@ static void run_all_tests(void)
        test_hashmap(0, NULL);
        test_hashmap_percpu(0, NULL);
        test_hashmap_walk(0, NULL);
+       test_hashmap_zero_seed();
        test_arraymap(0, NULL);
        test_arraymap_percpu(0, NULL);

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