On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 11:30 PM David Miller <da...@davemloft.net> wrote: > Unfortunately I think we are stuck with how things are now. > > Indisputably, your patch breaks userland components that have > workarounds in order to work with existing kernels. [...] > I cannot apply this, sorry.
Understood. We're about to start using this UDP codepath on Android, so I wanted to see if this would be fixed before we commit to the current behaviour in our conformance tests, at which point we won't ever be able to change it either. Would you take a patch to add a one-line comment saying that this is the way it is for backwards compatibility? If that comment were there anyone else who finds this will not spend time debugging it and immediately know what's going on. The fact that the ports are inverted is not easy to spot on casual inspection.