Once there are more than a certain number of kernel config options
set (this happened for us with kernel 4.17), the method of passing
those as command line arguments exceeds the maximum number of
arguments the shell supports. This causes the whole testsuite to
Instead, create a temporary file and modify its contents so that
the config option variables are exported. Then this file can be
sourced in before running the tests.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Bader <stefan.ba...@canonical.com>
 testsuite/Makefile | 16 +++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuite/Makefile b/testsuite/Makefile
index 8fcbc55..f9f3b19 100644
--- a/testsuite/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/Makefile
@@ -14,15 +14,13 @@ TESTS_DIR := $(dir $(TESTS))
 IPVERS := $(filter-out iproute2/Makefile,$(wildcard iproute2/*))
+KENVFN := $(shell mktemp /tmp/tc_testkenv.XXXXXX)
 ifneq (,$(wildcard /proc/config.gz))
-       KENV := $(shell cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip | grep ^CONFIG)
+       KCPATH := /proc/config.gz
 KVER := $(shell uname -r)
 KCPATHS := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/config /boot/config-$(KVER)
 KCPATH := $(firstword $(wildcard $(KCPATHS)))
-ifneq (,$(KCPATH))
-       KENV := $(shell cat ${KCPATH} | grep ^CONFIG)
 .PHONY: compile listtests alltests configure $(TESTS)
@@ -59,14 +57,22 @@ endif
            mkdir -p $(RESULTS_DIR)/$$d; \
+       @if [ "$(KCPATH)" = "/proc/config.gz" ]; then \
+               gunzip -c $(KCPATH) >$(KENVFN); \
+       elif [ "$(KCPATH)" != "" ]; then \
+               cat $(KCPATH) >$(KENVFN); \
+       fi
+       @sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_/export CONFIG_/' $(KENVFN)
        @for i in $(IPVERS); do \
                o=`echo $$i | sed -e 's/iproute2\///'`; \
                echo -n "Running $@ [$$o/`uname -r`]: "; \
                TMP_ERR=`mktemp /tmp/tc_testsuite.XXXXXX`; \
                TMP_OUT=`mktemp /tmp/tc_testsuite.XXXXXX`; \
+               . $(KENVFN); \
                STD_ERR="$$TMP_ERR" STD_OUT="$$TMP_OUT" \
                TC="$$i/tc/tc" IP="$$i/ip/ip" SS=$$i/misc/ss DEV="$(DEV)" 
IPVER="$@" SNAME="$$i" \
-               ERRF="$(RESULTS_DIR)/$@.$$o.err" $(KENV) $(PREFIX) tests/$@ > 
$(RESULTS_DIR)/$@.$$o.out; \
+               ERRF="$(RESULTS_DIR)/$@.$$o.err" $(PREFIX) tests/$@ > 
$(RESULTS_DIR)/$@.$$o.out; \
                if [ "$$?" = "127" ]; then \
                        echo "SKIPPED"; \
                elif [ -e "$(RESULTS_DIR)/$@.$$o.err" ]; then \

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