On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 7:24 AM Vlad Buslov <vla...@mellanox.com> wrote:
>         attr_size = tcf_action_full_attrs_size(attr_size);
>         if (event == RTM_GETACTION)
> -               ret = tcf_get_notify(net, portid, n, &actions, event, extack);
> +               ret = tcf_get_notify(net, portid, n, actions, event, extack);
>         else { /* delete */
> -               ret = tcf_del_notify(net, n, &actions, portid, attr_size, 
> extack);
> +               ret = tcf_del_notify(net, n, actions, &acts_deleted, portid,
> +                                    attr_size, extack);
>                 if (ret)
>                         goto err;
>                 return ret;
>         }
>  err:
> -       tcf_action_put_lst(&actions);
> +       tcf_action_put_many(&actions[acts_deleted]);
>         return ret;

How does this even work?

You save an index in 'acts_deleted', but you pass &actions[acts_deleted]
to tcf_action_put_many(), which seems you want to start from
where it fails, but inside tcf_action_put_many() it starts from 0
to TCA_ACT_MAX_PRIO, out-of-bound access at least?

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