On 7/23/18 7:43 PM, D'Souza, Nelson wrote:
> I copy and pasted the configs onto my device, but pings on test-vrf do not 
> work in my setup. 
> I'm essentially seeing the same issue as I reported before.
> In this case, pings sent out on test-vrf (host ns) are received and replied 
> to by the loopback interface (foo ns). Although the replies are seen at the 
> test-vrf level, they are not locally delivered to the ping application.

I just built v4.14.52 kernel and ran those commands - worked fine. It is
something specific to your environment. Is your shell tied to a VRF --
(ip vrf id)?

After that, I suggest you create a VM running a newer distribution of
your choice (Ubuntu 17.10 or newer, debian stretch with 4.14 kernel, or
Fedora 26 or newer) and run the commands there.

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