On 22/05/18 14:24, Tom Lendacky wrote:
> The amd-xgbe driver is not designed to allocate separate IRQs for Rx and
> Tx.  In general, there is one IRQ for a channel of which Tx and Rx are
> shared.  You can have more Tx channels than Rx channels or vice-versa, but
> the min() of those numbers will be a combined Tx/Rx with the excess being
> Tx or Rx only: e.g. combined 0 tx 8 rx 10 results in 8 combined channels
> plus two Rx only channels.
If you cannot allocate the channels requested by the user, surely the correct
 thing is not to fudge it into something similar, but rather to return an
 error from the ethtool set_channels() op.


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