The Python script used to parse and extract eBPF helpers documentation
from include/uapi/linux/bpf.h expects a very specific formatting for the
descriptions (single dots represent a space, '>' stands for a tab):

     *.int bpf_helper(list of arguments)
     *.>    Description
     *.>    >       Start of description
     *.>    >       Another line of description
     *.>    >       And yet another line of description
     *.>    Return
     *.>    >       0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure

This is too strict, and painful for developers who wants to add
documentation for new helpers. Worse, it is extremelly difficult to
check that the formatting is correct during reviews. Change the
format expected by the script and make it more flexible. The script now
works whether or not the initial space (right after the star) is
present, and accepts both tabs and white spaces (or a combination of
both) for indenting description sections and contents.

Concretely, something like the following would now be supported:

     *int bpf_helper(list of arguments)
     *.>    >       Start of description...
     *>     >       Another line of description
     *..............And yet another line of description
     *>     Return
     *.>    ........0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure

Signed-off-by: Quentin Monnet <>
 scripts/ | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 30ba0fee36e4..717547e6f0a6 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class HeaderParser(object):
         #   - Same as above, with "const" and/or "struct" in front of type
         #   - "..." (undefined number of arguments, for bpf_trace_printk())
         # There is at least one term ("void"), and at most five arguments.
-        p = re.compile('^ \* ((.+) \**\w+\((((const )?(struct )?(\w+|\.\.\.)( 
\**\w+)?)(, )?){1,5}\))$')
+        p = re.compile('^ \* ?((.+) \**\w+\((((const )?(struct )?(\w+|\.\.\.)( 
\**\w+)?)(, )?){1,5}\))$')
         capture = p.match(self.line)
         if not capture:
             raise NoHelperFound
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class HeaderParser(object):
     def parse_desc(self):
-        p = re.compile('^ \* \tDescription$')
+        p = re.compile('^ \* ?(?:\t| {6,8})Description$')
         capture = p.match(self.line)
         if not capture:
             # Helper can have empty description and we might be parsing another
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class HeaderParser(object):
             if self.line == ' *\n':
                 desc += '\n'
-                p = re.compile('^ \* \t\t(.*)')
+                p = re.compile('^ \* ?(?:\t| {6,8})(?:\t| {8})(.*)')
                 capture = p.match(self.line)
                 if capture:
                     desc += + '\n'
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class HeaderParser(object):
         return desc
     def parse_ret(self):
-        p = re.compile('^ \* \tReturn$')
+        p = re.compile('^ \* ?(?:\t| {6,8})Return$')
         capture = p.match(self.line)
         if not capture:
             # Helper can have empty retval and we might be parsing another
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class HeaderParser(object):
             if self.line == ' *\n':
                 ret += '\n'
-                p = re.compile('^ \* \t\t(.*)')
+                p = re.compile('^ \* ?(?:\t| {6,8})(?:\t| {8})(.*)')
                 capture = p.match(self.line)
                 if capture:
                     ret += + '\n'

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