On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 11:24 PM, Jeff Kirsher
<jeffrey.t.kirs...@intel.com> wrote:
> From: Dave Ertman <david.m.ert...@intel.com>
> Implement the private flag disable-fw-lldp for ethtool
> to disable the processing of LLDP packets by the FW.
> This will stop the FW from consuming LLDPDU and cause
> them to be sent up the stack.
> The FW is also being configured to apply a default DCB
> configuration on link up.
> Toggling the value of this flag will also cause a PF reset.
> Disabling FW DCB will also disable DCBx.

wait, isn't there a knob in the DCB NL UAPI to state where the DCBx
state-machine runs {nowhere, host, firmware}, I am pretty much there is
such, and if not, why not add it there instead of private flags?


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