I demand that I definitely did write...

> I demand that Francois Romieu may or may not have written...
>> Darren Salt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
>>> In case you don't yet have an lspci dump for an RTL8136, here's one for a
>>> device which is working with the r1000 driver which is supplied with
>>> Ubuntu dapper (though the machine in question - a Toshiba Equium A110-233
>>> - is actually running Debian testing.)

>> Thanks. The MM region was correctly guessed. If the driver does not work,

> ... which it doesn't - the connection is lost, and the hardware continually
> tries and fails to re-establish it. [...]

Whoops. I'd not noticed the -rc4 patches...

These seem to help a little: mii-tool can reset it and bring the link up
regardless of RTL_CFG_{1,2}. After that, RTL_CFG_1 allows sending to work,
and RTL_CFG_2 allows both sending and receiving to work (tested by trying to
get an IP address via DHCP).

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Output *more* particulate pollutants.      BUFFER AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING.

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