Hi David,

>>> This adds support for setting the public address on Texas Instruments
>>> Bluetooth chips using a vendor-specific command.
>>> This has been tested on a CC2560A. The TI wiki also indicates that this
>>> command should work on TI WL17xx/WL18xx Bluetooth chips.
>>> Signed-off-by: David Lechner <da...@lechnology.com>
>>> ---
>>> v2 changes:
>>> * This is a new patch in v2
>>> drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c | 17 +++++++++++++++++
>>> 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c
>>> index 974a788..b732004 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c
>>> @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
>>> #include "hci_uart.h"
>>> /* Vendor-specific HCI commands */
>>> +#define HCI_VS_WRITE_BD_ADDR                       0xfc06
>>> #define HCI_VS_UPDATE_UART_HCI_BAUDRATE             0xff36
>>> /* HCILL commands */
>>> @@ -662,6 +663,20 @@ static int download_firmware(struct ll_device *lldev)
>>>     return err;
>>> }
>>> +static int ll_set_bdaddr(struct hci_dev *hdev, const bdaddr_t *bdaddr)
>>> +{
>>> +   bdaddr_t bdaddr_swapped;
>>> +   struct sk_buff *skb;
>>> +
>>> +   baswap(&bdaddr_swapped, bdaddr);
>>> +   skb = __hci_cmd_sync(hdev, HCI_VS_WRITE_BD_ADDR, sizeof(bdaddr_t),
>>> +                        &bdaddr_swapped, HCI_INIT_TIMEOUT);
>>> +   if (!IS_ERR(skb))
>>> +           kfree_skb(skb);
>>> +   
>> You have a trailing whitespace here.
>> Does the HCI command really expect the BD_ADDR in the swapped order. The 
>> caller of hdev->set_bdaddr while provide it in the same order as the HCI 
>> Read BD Address command and everything in HCI. So it seems odd that you have 
>> to swap it for the vendor command.
>> So have you actually tested this with btmgmt public-add <xx:xx..> and 
>> checked that the address comes out correctly. I think ll_set_bdaddr should 
>> function correctly for the mgmt interface. And if needed any other caller 
>> outside of mgmt has to do the swapping.
> I did test using btmgmt public-address 00:11:22:33:44:55, which is how I 
> found out that the order needed to be swapped. Like you, I was surprised. I 
> couldn't find any documentation from TI saying what the order is supposed to 
> be, so I can only assume that because this works, it is indeed correct as-is.

then please add a comment for that and I would appreciate to have the parts 
from btmon showing the public-addr command and the following HCI Read BD 
Address command as part of the commit message. Just for being able to dig this 
out at some later point if needed.



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