From: Xin Long
> Sent: 25 November 2017 13:06
> As it says in rfc6525#section5.1.4, before sending the request,
>    C2:  The sender has either no outstanding TSNs or considers all
>         outstanding TSNs abandoned.
> Prior to this patch, it tried to consider all outstanding TSNs abandoned
> by dropping all chunks in all outqs with sctp_outq_free (even including
> sacked, retransmit and transmitted queues) when doing this reset, which
> is too aggressive.
> To make it work gently, this patch will only allow the asoc reset when
> the sender has no outstanding TSNs by checking if unsent, transmitted
> and retransmit are all empty with sctp_outq_is_empty before sending
> and processing the request.

Doesn't that rather defeat the point of a reset?


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