Hi Florian,

With Broadcom tags (or any type of switch tagging protocol), eth0
becomes a conduit interface and no longer a "normal" network device for
applications/socket to use. This means that if you were obtaining an IP
address through a DHCP client using e.g: dhclient eth0, this now needs
to be replaced using dhclient lan1 for instance.

Yes, that's what I would expect.

If you use the per-port network devices, do you actually see Broadcom
tags coming out of these interfaces, or is it just when you use eth0
like what you used before that you see that happening?

For outgoing Packet, I see the tags on eth0, that's expected, but also an a laptop connected to any of the external ports (no matter which one, wan or lan1-4). Incoming packets are seen on eth0 untagged and don't get forwarded to the corresponding child Interface.

So it seems the switch operates in dumb forwarding mode.

I also tried a pull down on LED Port 0 (mii_dumb_fwdg_en), but the switch still remains in dumb mode. However, I would have to double check I picked the correct pin, the Bpi-r1 schematics is not completely error free :-(.

Thanks, Jochen

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