On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Paweł Staszewski
<pstaszew...@itcare.pl> wrote:
> Hi and thanks for reply
> W dniu 2017-08-12 o 14:23, Jesper Dangaard Brouer pisze:
>> On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 19:51:10 +0200 Paweł Staszewski
>> <pstaszew...@itcare.pl> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I made some tests for performance comparison.
>> Thanks for doing this. Feel free to Cc me, if you do more of these
>> tests (so I don't miss them on the mailing list).
>> I don't understand stand if you are reporting a potential problem?
>> It would be good if you can provide a short summary section (of the
>> issue) in the _start_ of the email, and then provide all this nice data
>> afterwards, to back your case.
>> My understanding is, you report:
>> 1. VLANs on ixgbe show a 30-40% slowdown
>> 2. System stopped scaling after 7+ CPUs

So I had read through most of this before I realized what it was you
were reporting. As far as the behavior there are a few things going
on. I have some additional comments below but they are mostly based on
what I had read up to that point.

As far as possible issues for item 1. The VLAN adds 4 bytes of data of
the payload, when it is stripped it can result in a packet that is 56
bytes. These missing 8 bytes can cause issues as it forces the CPU to
do a read/modify/write every time the device writes to the 64B cache
line instead of just doing it as a single write. This can be very
expensive and hurt performance. In addition it adds 4 bytes on the
wire, so if you are sending the same 64B packets over the VLAN
interface it is bumping them up to 68B to make room for the VLAN tag.
I am suspecting you are encountering one of these type of issues. You
might try tweaking the packet sizes in increments of 4 to see if there
is a sweet spot that you might be falling out of or into.

Item 2 is a known issue with the NICs supported by ixgbe, at least for
anything 82599 and later. The issue here is that there isn't really an
Rx descriptor cache so to try and optimize performance the hardware
will try to write back as many descriptors it has ready for the ring
requesting writeback. The problem is as you add more rings it means
the writes get smaller as they are triggering more often. So what you
end up seeing is that for each additional ring you add the performance
starts dropping as soon as the rings are no longer being fully
saturated. You can tell this has happened when the CPUs in use
suddenly all stop reporting 100% softirq use. So for example to
perform at line rate with 64B packets you would need something like
XDP and to keep the ring count small, like maybe 2 rings. Any more
than that and the performance will start to drop as you hit PCIe

> This is not only problem/bug report  - but some kind of comparision plus
> some toughts about possible problems :)
> And can help somebody when searching the net for possible expectations :)
> Also - dono better list where are the smartest people that know what is
> going in kernel with networking :)
> Next time i will place summary on top - sorry :)
>>> Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz
>> Interesting, I've not heard about a Intel CPU called "Gold" before now,
>> but it does exist:
>> https://ark.intel.com/products/123541/Intel-Xeon-Gold-6132-Processor-19_25M-Cache-2_60-GHz
>>> Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01)
>> This is one of my all time favorite NICs!
> Yes this is a good NIC - will have connectx-4 2x100G by monday so will also
> do some tests
>>> Test diagram:
>>> TRAFFIC GENERATOR (ethX) -> (enp216s0f0 - RX Traffic) FORWARDING HOST
>>> (enp216s0f1(vlan1000) - TX Traffic) -> (ethY) SINK
>>> Forwarder traffic: UDP random ports from 9 to 19 with random hosts from
>>> to
>>> TRAFFIC GENERATOR TX is stable 9.9Mpps (in kernel pktgen)
>> What kind of traffic flow?  E.g. distribution, many/few source IPs...
> Traffic generator is pktgen so udp flows - better paste parameters from
> pktgen:
>     UDP_MIN=9
>     UDP_MAX=19
>     pg_set $dev "dst_min"
>     pg_set $dev "dst_max"
>     # Setup random UDP port src range
>     #pg_set $dev "flag UDPSRC_RND"
>     pg_set $dev "flag UDPSRC_RND"
>     pg_set $dev "udp_src_min $UDP_MIN"
>     pg_set $dev "udp_src_max $UDP_MAX"
>>> Settings used for FORWARDING HOST (changed param. was only number of RSS
>>> combined queues + set affinity assignment for them to fit with first
>>> numa node where 2x10G port card is installed)
>>> ixgbe driver used from kernel (in-kernel build - not a module)
>> Nice with a script showing you setup, thanks. I would be good if it had
>> comments, telling why you think this is a needed setup adjustment.
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> ifc='enp216s0f0 enp216s0f1'
>>> for i in $ifc
>>>           do
>>>           ip link set up dev $i
>>>           ethtool -A $i autoneg off rx off tx off
>> Good:
>>   Turning off Ethernet flow control, to avoid receiver being the
>>   bottleneck via pause-frames.
> Yes - enabled flow controll is really bad :)
>>>           ethtool -G $i rx 4096 tx 1024
>> You adjust the RX and TX ring queue sizes, this have effects that you
>> don't realize.  Especially for the ixgbe driver, which have a page
>> recycle trick tied to the RX ring queue size.
> rx ring 4096 and tx ring 1024
> - this is because have best performance then with average packet size from
> 64 to 1500 bytes

The problem is this has huge negative effects on the CPU caches.
Generally less is more. When I perform tests I will usually drop the
ring size for Tx to 128 and Rx to 256. That reduces the descriptor
caches per ring to 1 page each for the Tx and Rx. With an increased
interrupt rate you should be able to service this optimally without
too much issue.

Also for these type of tests the Tx ring never really gets over 64
packets anyway since a single Tx ring is always populated by a single
Rx ring so as long as there isn't any flow control in play the Tx
queue should always be empty when the Rx clean-up begins and it will
only be populated with up to NAPI poll weight worth of packets.

> Can be a little better performance for smaller frames like 64 - with rx ring
> set to 1024
> below 1 core/1 RSS queue with rx ring set to 1024
> 0;1;64;1530112;91772160;1529919;88724208
> 1;1;64;1531584;91872000;1531520;88813196
> 2;1;64;1531392;91895040;1531262;88831930
> 3;1;64;1530880;91875840;1531201;88783558
> 4;1;64;1530688;91829760;1530688;88768826
> 5;1;64;1530432;91810560;1530624;88764940
> 6;1;64;1530880;91868160;1530878;88787328
> 7;1;64;1530496;91845120;1530560;88765114
> 8;1;64;1530496;91837440;1530687;88772538
> 9;1;64;1530176;91795200;1530496;88735360
> so from 1.47Mpps to 1.53Mpps
> But with bigger packets > 200 performance is better when rx is set to 4096

This is likely due to the interrupt moderation on the adapter. Instead
of adjusting the ring size up you might try pushing the time between
interrupts down. I have generally found around 25 usecs is best. You
can change the rx-usecs value via ethtool -C to get the rate you want.
You should find that it will perform better that way since you put
less stress on the CPU caches.

>>>           ip link set $i txqueuelen 1000
>> Setting tx queue len to the default 1000 seems redundant.
> Yes cause i'm changing this parameter also to see if any impact on
> performance we have
>>>           ethtool -C $i rx-usecs 10
>> Adjusting this also have effects you might not realize.  This actually
>> also affect the page recycle scheme of ixgbe.  And can sometimes be
>> used to solve stalling on DMA TX completions, which could be you issue
>> here.
> same here - rx-usecs - setting to 10 was kind of compromise to have good
> performance with big ans small packet sizes

>From my personal experience I can say that 10 is probably too
aggressive. The logic for trying to find an ideal interrupt rate for
these kind of tests is actually pretty simple. What you want to do is
have the updates coming fast enough that you never hit the point of
descriptor starvation, but at the same time you don't want them coming
too quickly otherwise you limit how many descriptors can be coalesced
into a single PCI DMA write since the descriptors have to be flushed
when an interrupt is triggered.

> Same test as above with rx ring 1024 tx ring 1024 and rxusecs set to 256
> (1Core/1RSS queue):
> 0;1;64;1506304;90424320;1506626;87402868
> 1;1;64;1505536;90343680;1504830;87321088
> 2;1;64;1506880;90416640;1507522;87388120
> 3;1;64;1511040;90700800;1511682;87684864
> 4;1;64;1511040;90681600;1511102;87662476
> 5;1;64;1511488;90712320;1511614;87673728
> 6;1;64;1511296;90700800;1511038;87669900
> 7;1;64;1513344;90773760;1513280;87751680
> 8;1;64;1513536;90850560;1513470;87807360
> 9;1;64;1512128;90696960;1512000;87696000
> And rx-usecs set to 1
> 0;1;64;1533632;92037120;1533504;88954368
> 1;1;64;1533632;92006400;1533570;88943348
> 2;1;64;1533504;91994880;1533504;88931980
> 3;1;64;1532864;91979520;1532674;88902516
> 4;1;64;1533952;92044800;1534080;88961792
> 5;1;64;1533888;92048640;1534270;88969100
> 6;1;64;1533952;92037120;1534082;88969216
> 7;1;64;1533952;92021760;1534208;88969332
> 8;1;64;1533056;91983360;1532930;88883724
> 9;1;64;1533760;92021760;1533886;88946828
> rx-useck set to 2
> 0;1;64;1522432;91334400;1522304;88301056
> 1;1;64;1521920;91330560;1522496;88286208
> 2;1;64;1522496;91322880;1522432;88304768
> 3;1;64;1523456;91422720;1523649;88382762
> 4;1;64;1527680;91676160;1527424;88601728
> 5;1;64;1527104;91626240;1526912;88572032
> 6;1;64;1527424;91641600;1527424;88590592
> 7;1;64;1526336;91572480;1526912;88523776
> 8;1;64;1527040;91637760;1526912;88579456
> 9;1;64;1527040;91595520;1526784;88553472
> rx-usecs set to 3
> 0;1;64;1526272;91549440;1526592;88527488
> 1;1;64;1526528;91560960;1526272;88516352
> 2;1;64;1525952;91580160;1525888;88527488
> 3;1;64;1525504;91511040;1524864;88456960
> 4;1;64;1526272;91568640;1526208;88494080
> 5;1;64;1525568;91545600;1525312;88494080
> 6;1;64;1526144;91584000;1526080;88512640
> 7;1;64;1525376;91530240;1525376;88482944
> 8;1;64;1526784;91607040;1526592;88549760
> 9;1;64;1526208;91560960;1526528;88512640
>>>           ethtool -L $i combined 16
>>>           ethtool -K $i gro on tso on gso off sg on l2-fwd-offload off
>>> tx-nocache-copy on ntuple on
>> Here are many setting above.
> Yes mostly NIC defaults besides the ntuple that is on (for testing some nfc
> drop filters - and trying to test also tc-offload )
>> GRO/GSO/TSO for _forwarding_ is actually bad... in my tests, enabling
>> this result in approx 10% slowdown.
> Ok lets give a try :)
> gro off tso off gso off sg on l2-fwd-offload off tx-nocache-copy on ntuple
> on
> rx-usecs 10
> 0;1;64;1609344;96537600;1609279;93327104
> 1;1;64;1608320;96514560;1608256;93293812
> 2;1;64;1608000;96487680;1608125;93267770
> 3;1;64;1608320;96522240;1608576;93297524
> 4;1;64;1605888;96387840;1606211;93148986
> 5;1;64;1601472;96072960;1601600;92870644
> 6;1;64;1602624;96180480;1602243;92959674
> 7;1;64;1601728;96107520;1602113;92907764
> 8;1;64;1602176;96122880;1602176;92933806
> 9;1;64;1603904;96253440;1603777;93045208
> A little better performance 1.6Mpps
> But wondering if disabling tso will have no performance impact for tcp
> traffic ...

If you were passing TCP traffic through the router GRO/TSO would
impact things, but for UDP it just adds overhead.

> Will try to get some pktgen like pktgen-dpdk that can generate also tcp
> traffic - to compare this.
>> AFAIK "tx-nocache-copy on" was also determined to be a bad option.
> I set this to on cause i have better performance (a little 10kpps for this
> test)
> below same test as above  with tx-nocache-copy off
> 0;1;64;1591552;95496960;1591230;92313654
> 1;1;64;1596224;95738880;1595842;92555066
> 2;1;64;1595456;95700480;1595201;92521774
> 3;1;64;1595456;95723520;1595072;92528966
> 4;1;64;1595136;95692800;1595457;92503040
> 5;1;64;1594624;95631360;1594496;92473402
> 6;1;64;1596224;95761920;1595778;92551180
> 7;1;64;1595200;95700480;1595331;92521542
> 8;1;64;1595584;95692800;1595457;92521426
> 9;1;64;1594624;95662080;1594048;92469574

If I recall it should have no actual impact one way or the other. The
tx-nocache-copy option should only impact socket traffic, not routing
since if I recall correctly it only impacts copies from userspace.

>> The "ntuple on" AFAIK disables the flow-director in the NIC.  I though
>> this would actually help VLAN traffic, but I guess not.
> yes I enabled this cause was thinking that can help with traffic on vlans
> below same test with ntuple off
> so all settings for ixgbe:
> gro off tso off gso off sg on l2-fwd-offload off tx-nocache-copy off ntuple
> off
> rx-usecs 10
> rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn
> 0;1;64;1611840;96691200;1611905;93460794
> 1;1;64;1610688;96645120;1610818;93427328
> 2;1;64;1610752;96668160;1610497;93442176
> 3;1;64;1610624;96664320;1610817;93427212
> 4;1;64;1610752;96652800;1610623;93412480
> 5;1;64;1610048;96614400;1610112;93404940
> 6;1;64;1611264;96641280;1611390;93427212
> 7;1;64;1611008;96691200;1610942;93468160
> 8;1;64;1610048;96652800;1609984;93408652
> 9;1;64;1611136;96641280;1610690;93434636
> Performance is a little better
> and now with tx-nocache-copy on
> 0;1;64;1597248;95834880;1597311;92644096
> 1;1;64;1597888;95865600;1597824;92677446
> 2;1;64;1597952;95834880;1597822;92644038
> 3;1;64;1597568;95877120;1597375;92685044
> 4;1;64;1597184;95827200;1597314;92629190
> 5;1;64;1597696;95842560;1597565;92625652
> 6;1;64;1597312;95834880;1597376;92644038
> 7;1;64;1597568;95873280;1597634;92647924
> 8;1;64;1598400;95919360;1598849;92699602
> 9;1;64;1597824;95873280;1598208;92684928
> That is weird - so enabling tx-nocache-copy with disabled ntuple have bad
> performance impact - but with enabled ntuple there is no performance impact

I would leave the ntuple feature enabled if you are routing simply
because that disables the ixgbe feature ATR which can have a negative
impact on routing tests (causes reordering).

>>>           ethtool -N $i rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn
>> Why do you change the NICs flow-hash?
> whan used 16 cores / 16 rss queues - there was better load distribution over
> all cores when sdfn rx-flow-hash enabled

That is to be expected. The default hash will only has on IPv4
addresses. Enabling the use of UDP ports would allow for more entropy.
If you want similar performance without resorting to hashing on ports
you would have to change the source/destination IP addresses.

>>>           done
>>> ip link set up dev enp216s0f0
>>> ip link set up dev enp216s0f1
>>> ip a a dev enp216s0f0
>>> ip link add link enp216s0f1 name vlan1000 type vlan id 1000
>>> ip link set up dev vlan1000
>>> ip a a dev vlan1000
>>> ip route add via
>>> ./set_irq_affinity.sh -x 14-27,42-43 enp216s0f0
>>> ./set_irq_affinity.sh -x 14-27,42-43 enp216s0f1
>>> #cat  /sys/devices/system/node/node1/cpulist
>>> #14-27,42-55
>>> #cat  /sys/devices/system/node/node0/cpulist
>>> #0-13,28-41
>> Is this a NUMA system?
> This is 2x CPU 6132 - so have two separate pcie access to the nic - need to
> check what cpu is assigned to pcie where network card is connected to have
> network card on local cpu where all irq's are binded
>>> #################################################
>>> Looks like forwarding performance when using vlans on ixgbe is less that
>>> without vlans for about 30-40% (wondering if this is some vlan
>>> offloading problem and ixgbe)
>> I would see this as a problem/bug that enabling VLANs cost this much.
> Yes - was thinking that with tx/rx vlan offloading there will be not much
> performance impact when vlans used.

What is the rate difference? Also did you account for the header size
when noticing that there is a difference in rates? I just want to make
sure we aren't seen an issue where you are expecting a rate of
14.88Mpps when VLAN tags drop the rate due to header overhead down to
something like 14.2Mpps if I recall correctly.

>>> settings below:
>>> ethtool -k enp216s0f0
>>> Features for enp216s0f0:
>>> Cannot get device udp-fragmentation-offload settings: Operation not
>>> supported
>>> rx-checksumming: on
>>> tx-checksumming: on
>>>           tx-checksum-ipv4: off [fixed]
>>>           tx-checksum-ip-generic: on
>>>           tx-checksum-ipv6: off [fixed]
>>>           tx-checksum-fcoe-crc: off [fixed]
>>>           tx-checksum-sctp: on
>>> scatter-gather: on
>>>           tx-scatter-gather: on
>>>           tx-scatter-gather-fraglist: off [fixed]
>>> tcp-segmentation-offload: on
>>>           tx-tcp-segmentation: on
>>>           tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [fixed]
>>>           tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: on
>>>           tx-tcp6-segmentation: on
>>> udp-fragmentation-offload: off
>>> generic-segmentation-offload: off
>>> generic-receive-offload: on
>>> large-receive-offload: off
>>> rx-vlan-offload: on
>>> tx-vlan-offload: on
>>> ntuple-filters: on
>>> receive-hashing: on
>>> highdma: on [fixed]
>>> rx-vlan-filter: on
>>> vlan-challenged: off [fixed]
>>> tx-lockless: off [fixed]
>>> netns-local: off [fixed]
>>> tx-gso-robust: off [fixed]
>>> tx-fcoe-segmentation: off [fixed]
>>> tx-gre-segmentation: on
>>> tx-gre-csum-segmentation: on
>>> tx-ipxip4-segmentation: on
>>> tx-ipxip6-segmentation: on
>>> tx-udp_tnl-segmentation: on
>>> tx-udp_tnl-csum-segmentation: on
>>> tx-gso-partial: on
>>> tx-sctp-segmentation: off [fixed]
>>> tx-esp-segmentation: off [fixed]
>>> fcoe-mtu: off [fixed]
>>> tx-nocache-copy: on
>>> loopback: off [fixed]
>>> rx-fcs: off [fixed]
>>> rx-all: off
>>> tx-vlan-stag-hw-insert: off [fixed]
>>> rx-vlan-stag-hw-parse: off [fixed]
>>> rx-vlan-stag-filter: off [fixed]
>>> l2-fwd-offload: off
>>> hw-tc-offload: off
>>> esp-hw-offload: off [fixed]
>>> esp-tx-csum-hw-offload: off [fixed]
>>> rx-udp_tunnel-port-offload: on
>>> Another thing is that forwarding performance does not scale with number
>>> of cores when 7+ cores are reached
>> I've seen problems with using Hyper-Threading CPUs.  Could it be that
>> above 7 CPUs you are starting to use sibling-cores ?

I would suspect that it may be more than likely the case. One thing
you might look at doing is CPU pinning the interrupts for the NIC in a
1:1 fashion so that the queues are all bound to separate cores without
them sharing between Hyper-threads.

> Turbostats can help here:
> Package Core    CPU     Avg_MHz Busy%   Bzy_MHz TSC_MHz IRQ SMI     C1
> C2      C1%     C2%     CPU%c1  CPU%c6  CoreTmp PkgTmp  PkgWatt RAMWatt
> PKG_%   RAM_%
> -       -       -       72      2.27    3188    2600    194844 0       64
> 69282   0.07    97.83   18.38   79.36   -4 54      123.49  16.08   0.00
> 0.00
> 0       0       0       8       0.74    1028    2600    1513 0       32
> 1462    1.50    97.99   10.92   88.34   47 51      58.34   5.34    0.00
> 0.00
> 0       0       28      7       0.67    1015    2600    1255 0       12
> 1249    0.96    98.61   10.99
> 0       1       1       7       0.68    1019    2600    1260 0       0
> 1260    0.00    99.54   8.44    90.88   49
> 0       1       29      9       0.71    1208    2600    1252 0       0
> 1253    0.00    99.48   8.41
> 0       2       2       7       0.67    1019    2600    1261 0       0
> 1260    0.00    99.54   8.44    90.89   48
> 0       2       30      7       0.67    1017    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.44
> 0       3       3       7       0.68    1019    2600    1260 0       0
> 1259    0.00    99.53   8.46    90.86   -4
> 0       3       31      7       0.67    1017    2600    1256 0       0
> 1256    0.00    99.55   8.46
> 0       4       4       7       0.67    1027    2600    1260 0       0
> 1260    0.00    99.54   8.43    90.90   -4
> 0       4       32      7       0.66    1018    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.44
> 0       5       5       7       0.68    1020    2600    1260 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.54   8.44    90.89   50
> 0       5       33      7       0.68    1019    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.43
> 0       6       6       7       0.70    1019    2600    1260 0       0
> 1259    0.00    99.53   8.43    90.87   -4
> 0       6       34      7       0.70    1019    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.54   8.43
> 0       8       7       7       0.68    1019    2600    1262 0       0
> 1261    0.00    99.52   8.42    90.90   50
> 0       8       35      7       0.67    1019    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.43
> 0       9       8       7       0.68    1019    2600    1260 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.54   8.40    90.92   49
> 0       9       36      7       0.66    1017    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.41
> 0       10      9       7       0.66    1018    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.54   8.40    90.94   -4
> 0       10      37      7       0.66    1018    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.55   8.41
> 0       11      10      7       0.66    1019    2600    1257 0       0
> 1259    0.00    99.54   8.56    90.77   -4
> 0       11      38      7       0.66    1018    2600    1255 0       3
> 1252    0.19    99.36   8.57
> 0       12      11      7       0.67    1019    2600    1260 0       0
> 1260    0.00    99.54   8.44    90.88   -4
> 0       12      39      7       0.67    1019    2600    1255 0       0
> 1256    0.00    99.55   8.44
> 0       13      12      7       0.68    1019    2600    1257 0       4
> 1254    0.32    99.22   8.67    90.65   -4
> 0       13      40      7       0.69    1019    2600    1256 0       4
> 1253    0.24    99.31   8.66
> 0       14      13      7       0.71    1020    2600    1260 0       0
> 1259    0.00    99.53   8.41    90.88   -4
> 0       14      41      7       0.72    1020    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.54   8.40
> 1       0       14      3564    99.19   3594    2600    125472 0       0
> 0       0.00    0.00    0.81    0.00    54 54      65.15   10.74   0.00
> 0.00
> 1       0       42      3       0.07    3701    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.95   99.93
> 1       1       15      11      0.32    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.37   73.31   42
> 1       1       43      10      0.31    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.38
> 1       2       16      10      0.31    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.37   73.32   39
> 1       2       44      10      0.32    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.36
> 1       3       17      10      0.32    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.40   73.28   39
> 1       3       45      11      0.32    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.81   26.40
> 1       4       18      10      0.32    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.82   26.40   73.28   40
> 1       4       46      11      0.32    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.40
> 1       5       19      11      0.33    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.40   73.27   39
> 1       5       47      11      0.33    3300    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.40
> 1       6       20      12      0.35    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.38   73.27   42
> 1       6       48      12      0.36    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.81   26.37
> 1       8       21      11      0.33    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.82   26.37   73.29   42
> 1       8       49      11      0.33    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.38
> 1       9       22      10      0.32    3300    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.82   26.35   73.34   41
> 1       9       50      10      0.30    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.36
> 1       10      23      10      0.31    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.82   26.37   73.33   41
> 1       10      51      10      0.31    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1255    0.00    99.82   26.36
> 1       11      24      10      0.32    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.62   73.06   41
> 1       11      52      10      0.32    3301    2600    1255 0       4
> 1251    0.32    99.50   26.62
> 1       12      25      11      0.33    3301    2600    1257 0       0
> 1257    0.00    99.81   26.39   73.28   41
> 1       12      53      11      0.33    3301    2600    1258 0       0
> 1254    0.00    99.82   26.38
> 1       13      26      12      0.36    3317    2600    1259 0       0
> 1258    0.00    99.79   26.41   73.23   39
> 1       13      54      11      0.34    3301    2600    1255 0       0
> 1254    0.00    99.82   26.42
> 1       14      27      12      0.36    3301    2600    1257 0       5
> 1251    0.24    99.58   26.54   73.10   41
> 1       14      55      12      0.36    3300    2600    1255 0       0
> 1254    0.00    99.82   26.54
> So it looks like in all tests i'm using core+sibling
> But side effect of this is that :
> 33 * 100.0 = 3300.0 MHz max turbo 28 active cores
> 33 * 100.0 = 3300.0 MHz max turbo 24 active cores
> 33 * 100.0 = 3300.0 MHz max turbo 20 active cores
> 33 * 100.0 = 3300.0 MHz max turbo 14 active cores
> 34 * 100.0 = 3400.0 MHz max turbo 12 active cores
> 34 * 100.0 = 3400.0 MHz max turbo 8 active cores
> 35 * 100.0 = 3500.0 MHz max turbo 4 active cores
> 37 * 100.0 = 3700.0 MHz max turbo 2 active cores
> So more cores = less MHz per core/sibling

Yes that is always a trade off. Also the ixgbe is limited in terms of
PCIe bus bandwidth. The more queues you add the worse the descriptor
overhead will be. Generally I have found that about 6 queues is ideal.
As you start getting to more than 8 the performance for 64B packets
will start to drop off as each additional queue will hurt the
descriptor cache performance as it starts writing back fewer and fewer
descriptors per write which will increase the PCIe bus overhead for
the writes.

>>> perf top:
>>>    PerfTop:   77835 irqs/sec  kernel:99.7%  exact:  0.0% [4000Hz
>>> cycles],  (all, 56 CPUs)
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>       16.32%  [kernel]       [k] skb_dst_force
>>>       16.30%  [kernel]       [k] dst_release
>>>       15.11%  [kernel]       [k] rt_cache_valid
>>>       12.62%  [kernel]       [k] ipv4_mtu
>> It seems a little strange that these 4 functions are on the top
> Yes dono why there is ipv4_mtu called and taking soo much cycles
>>>        5.60%  [kernel]       [k] do_raw_spin_lock
>> Why is calling/taking this lock? (Use perf call-graph recording).
> can be hard to paste it here:)
> attached file
>>>        3.03%  [kernel]       [k] fib_table_lookup
>>>        2.70%  [kernel]       [k] ip_finish_output2
>>>        2.10%  [kernel]       [k] dev_gro_receive
>>>        1.89%  [kernel]       [k] eth_type_trans
>>>        1.81%  [kernel]       [k] ixgbe_poll
>>>        1.15%  [kernel]       [k] ixgbe_xmit_frame_ring
>>>        1.06%  [kernel]       [k] __build_skb
>>>        1.04%  [kernel]       [k] __dev_queue_xmit
>>>        0.97%  [kernel]       [k] ip_rcv
>>>        0.78%  [kernel]       [k] netif_skb_features
>>>        0.74%  [kernel]       [k] ipt_do_table
>> Unloading netfilter modules, will give more performance, but it
>> semifake to do so.
> Compiled in kernel - only in filter mode - with ipv4+ipv6 - no other modules
> conntrack or other .
>>>        0.70%  [kernel]       [k] acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_enter
>>>        0.64%  [kernel]       [k] ip_forward
>>>        0.59%  [kernel]       [k] __netif_receive_skb_core
>>>        0.55%  [kernel]       [k] dev_hard_start_xmit
>>>        0.53%  [kernel]       [k] ip_route_input_rcu
>>>        0.53%  [kernel]       [k] ip_rcv_finish
>>>        0.51%  [kernel]       [k] page_frag_free
>>>        0.50%  [kernel]       [k] kmem_cache_alloc
>>>        0.50%  [kernel]       [k] udp_v4_early_demux
>>>        0.44%  [kernel]       [k] skb_release_data
>>>        0.42%  [kernel]       [k] inet_gro_receive
>>>        0.40%  [kernel]       [k] sch_direct_xmit
>>>        0.39%  [kernel]       [k] __local_bh_enable_ip
>>>        0.33%  [kernel]       [k] netdev_pick_tx
>>>        0.33%  [kernel]       [k] validate_xmit_skb
>>>        0.28%  [kernel]       [k] fib_validate_source
>>>        0.27%  [kernel]       [k] deliver_ptype_list_skb
>>>        0.25%  [kernel]       [k] eth_header
>>>        0.23%  [kernel]       [k] get_dma_ops
>>>        0.22%  [kernel]       [k] skb_network_protocol
>>>        0.21%  [kernel]       [k] ip_output
>>>        0.21%  [kernel]       [k] vlan_dev_hard_start_xmit
>>>        0.20%  [kernel]       [k] ixgbe_alloc_rx_buffers
>>>        0.18%  [kernel]       [k] nf_hook_slow
>>>        0.18%  [kernel]       [k] apic_timer_interrupt
>>>        0.18%  [kernel]       [k] virt_to_head_page
>>>        0.18%  [kernel]       [k] build_skb
>>>        0.16%  [kernel]       [k] swiotlb_map_page
>>>        0.16%  [kernel]       [k] ip_finish_output
>>>        0.16%  [kernel]       [k] udp4_gro_receive
>>> CSV format - delimeter ";"
>>> 0;1;64;1470912;88247040;1470720;85305530
>>> 1;1;64;1470912;88285440;1470977;85335110
>>> 2;1;64;1470464;88247040;1470402;85290508
>>> 3;1;64;1471424;88262400;1471230;85353728
>>> 4;1;64;1468736;88166400;1468672;85201652
>>> 5;1;64;1470016;88181760;1469949;85234944
>>> 6;1;64;1470720;88247040;1470466;85290624
>>> 7;1;64;1471232;88277760;1471167;85346246
>>> 8;1;64;1469184;88170240;1469249;85216326
>>> 9;1;64;1470592;88227840;1470847;85294394
>> Single core 1.47Mpps seems a little low, I would expect 2Mpps.
>>> 0;2;64;2413120;144802560;2413245;139975924
>>> 1;2;64;2415296;144913920;2415356;140098188
>>> 2;2;64;2416768;144898560;2416573;140105670
>>> 3;2;64;2418176;145056000;2418110;140261806
>>> 4;2;64;2416512;144990720;2416509;140172950
>>> 5;2;64;2415168;144860160;2414466;140064780
>>> 6;2;64;2416960;144983040;2416833;140190930
>>> 7;2;64;2413632;144768000;2413568;140001734
>>> 8;2;64;2415296;144898560;2414589;140087168
>>> 9;2;64;2416576;144963840;2416892;140190930
>>> 0;3;64;3419008;205155840;3418882;198239244
>>> 1;3;64;3428032;205585920;3427971;198744234
>>> 2;3;64;3425472;205536000;3425344;198677260
>>> 3;3;64;3425088;205470720;3425156;198603136
>>> 4;3;64;3427648;205693440;3426883;198773888
>>> 5;3;64;3426880;205670400;3427392;198796044
>>> 6;3;64;3429120;205678080;3430140;198848186
>>> 7;3;64;3422976;205355520;3423490;198458136
>>> 8;3;64;3423168;205336320;3423486;198495372
>>> 9;3;64;3424384;205493760;3425538;198617868
>>> 0;4;64;4406464;264364800;4405244;255560296
>>> 1;4;64;4404672;264349440;4405122;255541504
>>> 2;4;64;4402368;264049920;4403326;255188864
>>> 3;4;64;4401344;264076800;4400702;255207134
>>> 4;4;64;4385536;263074560;4386620;254312716
>>> 5;4;64;4386560;263189760;4385404;254379532
>>> 6;4;64;4398784;263857920;4399031;255025288
>>> 7;4;64;4407232;264445440;4407998;255637900
>>> 8;4;64;4413184;264698880;4413758;255875816
>>> 9;4;64;4411328;264526080;4411906;255712372
>>> 0;5;64;5094464;305871360;5094464;295657262
>>> 1;5;64;5090816;305514240;5091201;295274810
>>> 2;5;64;5088384;305387520;5089792;295175108
>>> 3;5;64;5079296;304869120;5079484;294680368
>>> 4;5;64;5092992;305544960;5094207;295349166
>>> 5;5;64;5092416;305502720;5093372;295334260
>>> 6;5;64;5080896;304896000;5081090;294677004
>>> 7;5;64;5085376;305114880;5086401;294933058
>>> 8;5;64;5092544;305575680;5092036;295356938
>>> 9;5;64;5093056;305652480;5093832;295449506
>>> 0;6;64;5705088;342351360;5705784;330965110
>>> 1;6;64;5710272;342743040;5707591;331373952
>>> 2;6;64;5703424;342182400;5701826;330776552
>>> 3;6;64;5708736;342604800;5707963;331147462
>>> 4;6;64;5710144;342654720;5712067;331202910
>>> 5;6;64;5712064;342777600;5711361;331292288
>>> 6;6;64;5710144;342585600;5708607;331144272
>>> 7;6;64;5699840;342021120;5697853;330609222
>>> 8;6;64;5701184;342124800;5702909;330653592
>>> 9;6;64;5711360;342735360;5713283;331247686
>>> 0;7;64;6244416;374603520;6243591;362180072
>>> 1;7;64;6230912;374016000;6231490;361534126
>>> 2;7;64;6244800;374776320;6244866;362224326
>>> 3;7;64;6238720;374376960;6238261;361838510
>>> 4;7;64;6218816;373079040;6220413;360683962
>>> 5;7;64;6224320;373566720;6225086;361017404
>>> 6;7;64;6224000;373570560;6221370;360936088
>>> 7;7;64;6210048;372741120;6210627;360212654
>>> 8;7;64;6231616;374035200;6231537;361445502
>>> 9;7;64;6227840;373724160;6228802;361162752
>>> 0;8;64;6251840;375144960;6251849;362609678
>>> 1;8;64;6250816;375014400;6250881;362547038
>>> 2;8;64;6257728;375432960;6257160;362911104
>>> 3;8;64;6255552;375325440;6255622;362822074
>>> 4;8;64;6243776;374576640;6243270;362120622
>>> 5;8;64;6237184;374296320;6237690;361790080
>>> 6;8;64;6240960;374415360;6240714;361927366
>>> 7;8;64;6222784;373317120;6223746;360854424
>>> 8;8;64;6225920;373593600;6227014;361154980
>>> 9;8;64;6238528;374304000;6237701;361845238
>>> 0;14;64;6486144;389184000;6486135;376236488
>>> 1;14;64;6454912;387390720;6454222;374466734
>>> 2;14;64;6441152;386480640;6440431;373572780
>>> 3;14;64;6450240;386972160;6450870;374070014
>>> 4;14;64;6465600;387997440;6467221;375089654
>>> 5;14;64;6448384;386860800;6448000;373980230
>>> 6;14;64;6452352;387095040;6452148;374168904
>>> 7;14;64;6441984;386507520;6443203;373665058
>>> 8;14;64;6456704;387340800;6455744;374429092
>>> 9;14;64;6464640;387901440;6465218;374949004
>>> 0;16;64;6939008;416325120;6938696;402411192
>>> 1;16;64;6941952;416444160;6941745;402558918
>>> 2;16;64;6960576;417584640;6960707;403698718
>>> 3;16;64;6940736;416486400;6941820;402503876
>>> 4;16;64;6927680;415741440;6927420;401853870
>>> 5;16;64;6929792;415687680;6929917;401839196
>>> 6;16;64;6950400;416989440;6950661;403026166
>>> 7;16;64;6953664;417216000;6953454;403260544
>>> 8;16;64;6948480;416851200;6948800;403023266
>>> 9;16;64;6924160;415422720;6924092;401542468
>> I've seen Linux scale beyond 6.9Mpps, thus I also see this as an
>> issue/bug.  You could be stalling on DMA TX completion being too slow,
>> but you already increased the interval and increased the TX ring queue
>> size.  You could play with those setting and see if it changes this?
>> Could you try my napi_monitor tool in:
>> https://github.com/netoptimizer/prototype-kernel/tree/master/kernel/samples/bpf
>> Also provide the output from:
>>   mpstat -P ALL -u -I SCPU -I SUM 2
> with 16 cores / 16 RSS queues
> Average:     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft %steal
> %guest  %gnice   %idle
> Average:     all    0.00    0.00    0.01    0.00    0.00   28.57 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   71.42
> Average:       0    0.00    0.00    0.04    0.00    0.00    0.08 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.88
> Average:       1    0.00    0.00    0.12    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.88
> Average:       2    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       3    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       4    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       5    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       6    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       7    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       8    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:       9    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      10    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      11    0.08    0.00    0.04    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.88
> Average:      12    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      13    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      14    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      15    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      16    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      17    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      18    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      19    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      20    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      21    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      22    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      23    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      24    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      25    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      26    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      27    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      28    0.00    0.00    0.04    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.96
> Average:      29    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      30    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      31    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      32    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      33    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      34    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      35    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      36    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      37    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      38    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      39    0.04    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.96
> Average:      40    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      41    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      42    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      43    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00    0.00
> Average:      44    0.00    0.00    0.04    0.17    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00   99.79
> Average:      45    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      46    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      47    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      48    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      49    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      50    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      51    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      52    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      53    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      54    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:      55    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 0.00
> 0.00    0.00  100.00
> Average:     CPU    intr/s
> Average:     all 123596.08
> Average:       0    646.38
> Average:       1    500.54
> Average:       2    511.67
> Average:       3    534.25
> Average:       4    542.21
> Average:       5    531.54
> Average:       6    554.58
> Average:       7    535.88
> Average:       8    544.58
> Average:       9    536.42
> Average:      10    575.46
> Average:      11    601.12
> Average:      12    502.08
> Average:      13    575.46
> Average:      14   5917.92
> Average:      15   5949.58
> Average:      16   7021.29
> Average:      17   7299.71
> Average:      18   7391.67
> Average:      19   7354.25
> Average:      20   7543.42
> Average:      21   7354.25
> Average:      22   7322.33
> Average:      23   7368.71
> Average:      24   7429.00
> Average:      25   7406.46
> Average:      26   7400.67
> Average:      27   7447.21
> Average:      28    517.00
> Average:      29    549.54
> Average:      30    529.33
> Average:      31    533.83
> Average:      32    541.25
> Average:      33    541.17
> Average:      34    532.50
> Average:      35    545.17
> Average:      36    528.96
> Average:      37    509.92
> Average:      38    520.12
> Average:      39    523.29
> Average:      40    530.75
> Average:      41    542.33
> Average:      42   5921.71
> Average:      43   5949.42
> Average:      44    503.04
> Average:      45    542.75
> Average:      46    582.50
> Average:      47    581.71
> Average:      48    495.29
> Average:      49    524.38
> Average:      50    527.92
> Average:      51    528.12
> Average:      52    456.38
> Average:      53    477.00
> Average:      54    440.92
> Average:      55    568.83
> Average:     CPU       HI/s    TIMER/s   NET_TX/s   NET_RX/s BLOCK/s
> Average:       0       0.00     250.00       0.17      87.00 0.00       0.00
> 45.46     250.00       0.00      13.75
> Average:       1       0.00     233.42       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      17.21
> Average:       2       0.00     249.04       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      12.67
> Average:       3       0.00     249.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      34.42
> Average:       4       0.00     248.67       0.17       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      43.42
> Average:       5       0.00     249.46       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      32.17
> Average:       6       0.00     249.79       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.87       0.00      54.92
> Average:       7       0.00     240.12       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      45.79
> Average:       8       0.00     247.42       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      47.25
> Average:       9       0.00     249.29       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      37.17
> Average:      10       0.00     248.75       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      76.79
> Average:      11       0.00     249.29       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 42.79     249.83       0.00      59.21
> Average:      12       0.00     249.83       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00       2.29
> Average:      13       0.00     249.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      75.62
> Average:      14       0.00     148.21       0.17    5758.04 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.42       0.00       3.08
> Average:      15       0.00     148.42       0.46    5789.25 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.33       0.00       3.12
> Average:      16       0.00     142.62       0.79    6866.46 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.29       0.00       3.12
> Average:      17       0.00     143.17       0.42    7145.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.08       0.00       3.04
> Average:      18       0.00     153.62       0.42    7226.42 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.04       0.00       3.17
> Average:      19       0.00     150.46       0.46    7192.21 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.04       0.00       3.08
> Average:      20       0.00     145.21       0.17    7386.50 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.29       0.00       3.25
> Average:      21       0.00     150.96       0.46    7191.37 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.25       0.00       3.21
> Average:      22       0.00     146.67       0.54    7163.96 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.04       0.00       3.12
> Average:      23       0.00     151.38       0.42    7205.75 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.00       0.00       3.17
> Average:      24       0.00     153.33       0.17    7264.12 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.08       0.00       3.29
> Average:      25       0.00     153.21       0.17    7241.83 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       7.96       0.00       3.29
> Average:      26       0.00     153.96       0.17    7234.88 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.38       0.00       3.29
> Average:      27       0.00     151.71       0.79    7283.25 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.04       0.00       3.42
> Average:      28       0.00     245.71       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.50       0.00      21.79
> Average:      29       0.00     233.21       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.87       0.00      66.46
> Average:      30       0.00     248.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     250.00       0.00      30.42
> Average:      31       0.00     249.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      33.96
> Average:      32       0.00     248.67       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      42.62
> Average:      33       0.00     249.46       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      41.79
> Average:      34       0.00     249.79       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.87       0.00      32.83
> Average:      35       0.00     240.12       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      55.08
> Average:      36       0.00     247.42       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      31.58
> Average:      37       0.00     249.29       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      10.71
> Average:      38       0.00     248.75       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.87       0.00      21.50
> Average:      39       0.00     249.50       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.83       0.00      23.96
> Average:      40       0.00     249.83       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.96       0.00      30.96
> Average:      41       0.00     249.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     249.92       0.00      42.50
> Average:      42       0.00     148.38       0.71    5761.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.25       0.00       3.38
> Average:      43       0.00     147.21       0.50    5790.33 0.00       0.00
> 0.00       8.00       0.00       3.38
> Average:      44       0.00     248.96       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.13       0.00       5.96
> Average:      45       0.00     249.04       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.88       0.00      44.83
> Average:      46       0.00     248.96       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.58       0.00      84.96
> Average:      47       0.00     249.00       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.75       0.00      83.96
> Average:      48       0.00     249.12       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     132.83       0.00     113.33
> Average:      49       0.00     249.12       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.62       0.00      26.62
> Average:      50       0.00     248.92       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.58       0.00      30.42
> Average:      51       0.00     249.08       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.42       0.00      30.63
> Average:      52       0.00     249.21       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     131.96       0.00      75.21
> Average:      53       0.00     249.08       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     136.12       0.00      91.79
> Average:      54       0.00     249.00       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     136.79       0.00      55.12
> Average:      55       0.00     249.04       0.00       0.00 0.00       0.00
> 0.00     248.71       0.00      71.08

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