I'm looking into how I can modify alpha, beta and gamma parameters for TCP Vegas on a per-socket basis (if at all possible). I want to modify the sending rate per-socket dynamically (not system wide) when a delay-based algorithm is used.
Is it possible to modify the parameters of Vegas without modifying the source code of Vegas itself? Would setting the (system wide) alpha, beta and gamma parameters be updated immediately? Would an ongoing transmission get the new values of alpha, beta or gamma when they are modified, or is it read only when initialising a Vegas transmission? Background for question: I'm working on the implementation of a Deadline Aware, Less than Best Effort. A framework for adding both LBE behaviour and awareness of “soft” delivery deadlines to any congestion control (CC) algorithm, whether loss-based, delay- based or explicit signaling-based. This effectively allows it to turn an arbitrary CC protocol into a scavenger protocol that dynamically adapts its sending rate to network conditions and remaining time before the deadline, to balance timeliness and transmission aggressiveness. / Lars Erik Storbukås (storbukas....@gmail.com)