> The driver may sleep in interrupt handling, and the function call path is:
> qed_int_sp_dpc (tasklet_init indicates it handles interrupt)
>   qed_int_attentions
>     qed_mcp_handle_events
>       qed_mcp_handle_link_change
>         qed_link_update
>           qed_fill_link
>             qed_mcp_get_media_type
>               qed_ptt_acquire
>                 usleep_range --> may sleep
> To fix it, the "usleep_range" is replaced with "udelay".

Thanks for pointing this out, but I believe the fix isn't the right one.

The better option would be to propagate the PTT from the outside
instead of acquiring a new one - in the call stack you've shared
qed_mcp_link_change() held a PTT entry and we could have propagated
it all the way through.

I'll try sending a fix for this in the next couple of days.

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