On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Lars Erik Storbukås
<storbukas....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to get amount of congestion events in TCP caused by
> DUPACK's (fast retransmissions), and can't seem to find any variable
> in the TCP info struct which hold that value. There are three
> variables in the TCP info struct that seem to hold similar congestion
> values: __u8 tcpi_retransmits;__u32 tcpi_retrans; __u32
> tcpi_total_retrans;
> Does anyone have any pointers on how to find this value in the TCP code?
> Please CC me personally if answering this question. Any help is
> greatly appreciated.

[I'm cc-ing the netdev list.]

Do you need this per-socket? On a per-socket basis, I do not think
there are separate totals for fast retransmits and timeout

If a global number is good enough, then you can get that number from
the global network statistics. In "nstat" output they look like:

  TcpExtTCPFastRetrans = packets sent in fast retransmit / fast recovery

  TcpExtTCPSlowStartRetrans = packets sent in timeout recovery

It sounds like TcpExtTCPFastRetrans is what you are after.

Hope that helps,

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