Flows accessing registers require the flow to hold a PTT entry.
To protect 'major' load/unload flows a main_ptt is pre-allocated
to guarantee such flows wouldn't be blocked by PTT being

Status block initialization currently uses the main_ptt which
is incorrect, as this flow might run concurrently to others
[E.g., loading qedr while toggling qede]. That would have dire
effects as it means registers' access to device breaks and further
read/writes might access incorrect addresses.

Instead, when initializing status blocks acquire/release a PTT
as part of the flow.

Signed-off-by: Yuval Mintz <yuval.mi...@cavium.com>
 drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qed/qed_main.c | 15 +++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qed/qed_main.c 
index aeb98d8..b43b0e3 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qed/qed_main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qed/qed_main.c
@@ -1020,6 +1020,7 @@ static u32 qed_sb_init(struct qed_dev *cdev,
                       enum qed_sb_type type)
        struct qed_hwfn *p_hwfn;
+       struct qed_ptt *p_ptt;
        int hwfn_index;
        u16 rel_sb_id;
        u8 n_hwfns;
@@ -1041,8 +1042,18 @@ static u32 qed_sb_init(struct qed_dev *cdev,
                   "hwfn [%d] <--[init]-- SB %04x [0x%04x upper]\n",
                   hwfn_index, rel_sb_id, sb_id);
-       rc = qed_int_sb_init(p_hwfn, p_hwfn->p_main_ptt, sb_info,
-                            sb_virt_addr, sb_phy_addr, rel_sb_id);
+       if (IS_PF(p_hwfn->cdev)) {
+               p_ptt = qed_ptt_acquire(p_hwfn);
+               if (!p_ptt)
+                       return -EBUSY;
+               rc = qed_int_sb_init(p_hwfn, p_ptt, sb_info, sb_virt_addr,
+                                    sb_phy_addr, rel_sb_id);
+               qed_ptt_release(p_hwfn, p_ptt);
+       } else {
+               rc = qed_int_sb_init(p_hwfn, NULL, sb_info, sb_virt_addr,
+                                    sb_phy_addr, rel_sb_id);
+       }
        return rc;

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