On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 11:28:22PM -0800, Sudarsana Kalluru wrote:
> +/* Adjust the HW clock by a rate given in parts-per-million (ppm) units.
> + * FW/HW accepts the adjustment value in terms of 3 parameters:
> + *   Drift period - adjustment happens once in certain number of nano 
> seconds.
> + *   Drift value - time is adjusted by a certain value, for example by 5 ns.
> + *   Drift direction - add or subtract the adjustment value.
> + * The routine translates ppm into the adjustment triplet in an optimal 
> manner.
> + */
> +static int qed_ptp_hw_adjfreq(struct qed_dev *cdev, s32 ppb)
> +{
> +     struct qed_hwfn *p_hwfn = QED_LEADING_HWFN(cdev);
> +     s64 period, period1, period2, dif, dif1, dif2;
> +     struct qed_ptt *p_ptt = p_hwfn->p_ptp_ptt;
> +     int drift_dir, best_val, best_period;
> +     s64 best_dif, temp, val;
> +     u32 drift_ctr_cfg = 0;
> +     u32 drift_state;
> +
> +     best_dif = 1000000000;
> +     best_period = 1;
> +     best_val = 0;
> +     drift_dir = 1;
> +
> +     if (ppb < 0) {
> +             ppb = -ppb;
> +             drift_dir = 0;
> +     }
> +
> +     if (ppb == 0) {
> +             /* No clock adjustment required */
> +             best_val = 0;
> +             best_period = 0xFFFFFFF;
> +     } else {
> +             /* Adjustment value is up to +/-7ns, find an optimal value in
> +              * this range.
> +              */
> +             for (val = 0; val <= 7; val++) {
> +                     period1 = val * 1000000000;
> +                     do_div(period1, ppb);


> +                     period1 -= 8;
> +                     do_div(period1, 16);


> +                     if (period1 < 1)
> +                             period1 = 1;
> +                     if (period1 > 0xFFFFFFE)
> +                             period1 = 0xFFFFFFE;
> +                     period2 = period1 + 1;
> +
> +                     temp = val * 1000000000;
> +                     do_div(temp, (period1 * 16 + 8));


> +                     dif1 = ppb - temp;
> +                     if (dif1 < 0)
> +                             dif1 = -dif1;
> +
> +                     temp = val * 1000000000;
> +                     do_div(temp, (period2 * 16 + 8));

four times seven makes twenty-eight 64 bit divisions per adjustment!

Isn't there a smarter way to do this?

Also, the case where val=0 makes little sense.


> +                     dif2 = ppb - temp;
> +                     if (dif2 < 0)
> +                             dif2 = -dif2;
> +
> +                     dif = min_t(s64, dif1, dif2);
> +                     period = (dif1 < dif2) ? period1 : period2;
> +                     if (dif < best_dif) {
> +                             best_dif = dif;
> +                             best_val = (int)val;
> +                             best_period = (int)period;
> +                     }
> +             }
> +     }
> +
> +     drift_ctr_cfg = (best_period << QED_DRIFT_CNTR_TIME_QUANTA_SHIFT) |
> +                     (best_val << QED_DRIFT_CNTR_ADJUSTMENT_SHIFT) |
> +                     (drift_dir << QED_DRIFT_CNTR_DIRECTION_SHIFT);
> +
> +     qed_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, NIG_REG_TSGEN_RST_DRIFT_CNTR, 0x1);
> +
> +     drift_state = qed_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, NIG_REG_TSGEN_RST_DRIFT_CNTR);
> +     if (drift_state & 1) {
> +             qed_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, NIG_REG_TSGEN_DRIFT_CNTR_CONF,
> +                    drift_ctr_cfg);
> +     } else {
> +             DP_INFO(p_hwfn, "Drift counter is not reset\n");
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }
> +
> +     qed_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, NIG_REG_TSGEN_RST_DRIFT_CNTR, 0x0);
> +
> +     return 0;
> +}

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