Às 12:02 PM de 12/28/2016, Kishan Sandeep escreveu:
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Joao Pinto <joao.pi...@synopsys.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Às 11:50 AM de 12/28/2016, Kishan Sandeep escreveu:
>>> On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Joao Pinto <joao.pi...@synopsys.com> wrote:
>>>> When the hardware is synthesized with multiple queues, all queues are
>>>> disabled for default. This patch adds the rx queues configuration.
>>>> This patch was successfully tested in a Synopsys QoS Reference design.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Joao Pinto <jpi...@synopsys.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> changes v2 -> v3 (Seraphin Bonnaffe):
>>>> - GMAC_RX_QUEUE_CLEAR macro simplified
>>>> changes v1 -> v2 (Niklas Cassel and Seraphin Bonnaffe):
>>>> - Instead of using number of DMA channels, lets use number of queues
>>>> - Create 2 flavors of RX queue enable Macros: AV and DCB (AV by default)
>>>> - Make sure that the RX queue related bits are cleared before setting
>>>> - Check if rx_queue_enable is available before executing
>>>>  drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/common.h      |  5 +++++
>>>>  drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/dwmac4.h      |  8 ++++++++
>>>>  drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/dwmac4_core.c | 12 ++++++++++++
>>>>  drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/dwmac4_dma.c  |  5 +++++
>>>>  drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c | 22
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>  5 files changed, 52 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/common.h
>>>> b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/common.h
>>>> index b13a144..6c96291 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/common.h
>>>> +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/common.h
>>>> @@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ struct dma_features {
>>>>         /* TX and RX number of channels */
>>>>         unsigned int number_rx_channel;
>>>>         unsigned int number_tx_channel;
>>>> +       /* TX and RX number of queues */
>>>> +       unsigned int number_rx_queues;
>>>> +       unsigned int number_tx_queues;
>>> Looks like this variable is unused. Current driver is only supporting
>>> single Tx channel/queue. ??  Is current driver not supporting
>>> multichannel/multiqueue ?
>> stmmac has a good base for multichannel / multiple queue support, but is only
>> using 1 for now. My next task is to add complete multiple queues / channel to
>> stmmac amd that is why number of tx queues is being available.
>> Thanks!
> I believe *number_tx_queues* variable can be added at the time support
> we are providing.
> One query is that what is the algorithm that we are following
> currently in the driver if we enable multi Rx queues/DMA channels ?

In a synthesized core with single channel, multi dma/queues is not an issue
since it has a single queue and that's it. For a synthesized core with multiple
there are some algorithms that can be configured in the driver. I will include
them later. I can change this patch and enale rx queue 0 only, no problem.

> Thanks!

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