
net/ipv6/addrconf.c:971 is
/* Rule 2: Prefer appropriate scope */
if (hiscore.rule < 2) {
        hiscore.scope = __ipv6_addr_src_scope(hiscore.addr_type);

I am afraid, that it does not make any sense for I find no place where a value
is assigned to hiscore.addr_type. There are some more references to
hiscore.addr_type below but the only assignment is when the whole structure is
cleaned with memset(3)

I found it when I was trying to figure out why when trying to connect to

2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085 (

with two global addresses assigned to the ethernet card


rule 8 does not work and the first address is chosen.

Please CC answers.
Było mi bardzo miło.                    Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz<                      Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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