From: David Lebrun <>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 21:16:19 +0100

> The advantage of my solution over RFC2992 is lowest possible disruption
> and equal rebalancing of affected flows. The disadvantage is the lookup
> complexity of O(log n) vs O(1). Although from a theoretical viewpoint
> O(1) is obviously better, would O(log n) have an effectively measurable
> negative impact on scalability ? If we consider 32 next-hops for a route
> and 100 pseudo-random numbers generated per next-hop, the lookup
> algorithm would have to perform in the worst case log2 3200 = 11
> comparisons to select a next-hop for that route.

When I was working on the routing cache removal in ipv4 I compared
using a stupid O(1) hash lookup of the FIB entries vs. the O(log n)
fib_trie stuff actually in use.

It did make a difference.

This is a lookup that can be invoked 20 million times per second or

Every cycle matters.

We already have a lot of trouble getting under the cycle budget one
has for routing at wire speed for very high link rates, please don't
make it worse.

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