On 27/11/16 19:44, Florian Fainelli wrote:
> RGMII is a recurring source of pain for people with Gigabit Ethernet
> hardware since it may require PHY driver and MAC driver level
> configuration hints. Document what are the expectations from PHYLIB and
> what options exist.
> Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <f.faine...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/networking/phy.txt | 76 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 76 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt 
> b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
> index 9a42a9414cea..7a0cb1212b9e 100644
> --- a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
> +++ b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
> @@ -65,6 +65,82 @@ The MDIO bus
>   drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fsl_pq_mdio.c and an associated DTS file
>   for one of the users. (e.g. "git grep fsl,.*-mdio arch/powerpc/boot/dts/")
> +(RG)MII/electrical interface considerations
> +
> + The Reduced Gigabit Medium Independent Interface (RGMII) is a 12 pins
> + electrical signal interface using a synchronous 125Mhz clock signal and 
> several
> + data lines. Due to this design decision, a 1.5ns to 2ns delay must be added
> + between the clock line (RXC or TXC) and the data lines to let the PHY (clock
> + sink) have enough setup and hold times to sample the data lines correctly. 
> The
> + PHY library offers different types of PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII* values to 
> let
> + the PHY driver and optionaly the MAC driver implement the required delay. 
> The
> + values of phy_interface_t must be understood from the perspective of the PHY
> + device itself, leading to the following:
> +
> + * PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII: the PHY is not responsible for inserting any
> +   internal delay by itself, it assumes that either the Ethernet MAC (if 
> capable
> +   or the PCB traces) insert the correct 1.5-2ns delay

For what is worth, the Atheros at803x driver comes with RX delay enabled as per 
I understand that enforcing this documentation as is would result in changing 
driver to disable RX delay, but it could break existing DTs, so I don't know if 
path will be pursued.

Would explicit "versioning" the DT nodes be something worth exploring? So far it
seems the versioning is implicit: driver probably check the presence of some 
and conclude that it has to behave in a way or another.

> +
> + * PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII_TXID: the PHY should be inserting an internal 
> delay
> +   for the transmit data lines (TXD[3:0]) processed by the PHY device
> +
> + * PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII_RXID: the PHY should be inserting an internal 
> delay
> +   for the receive data lines (RXD[3:0]) processed by the PHY device
> +
> + * PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII_ID: the PHY should be inserting internal delays 
> for
> +   both transmit AND receive data lines from/to the PHY device
> +
> + Whenever it is possible, it is preferrable to utilize the PHY side RGMII 
> delay
> + for several reasons:
> +
> + * PHY devices may offer sub-nanosecond granularity in how they allow a
> +   receiver/transmitter side delay (e.g: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5ns) to be specified. 
> Such
> +   precision may be required to account for differences in PCB trace lengths
> +
> + * PHY devices are typically qualified for a large range of applications
> +   (industrial, medical, automotive...), and they provide a constant and
> +   reliable delay across temperature/pressure/voltage ranges
> +
> + * PHY device drivers in PHYLIB being reusable by nature, being able to
> +   configure correctly a specified delay enables more designs with similar 
> delay
> +   requirements to be operate correctly
> +
> + For cases where the PHY is not capable of providing this delay, but the
> + Ethernet MAC driver is capable of doing it, the correct phy_interface_t 
> value
> + should be PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII, and the Ethernet MAC driver should be
> + configured correctly in order to provide the required transmit and/or 
> receive
> + side delay from the perspective of the PHY device. 

While this clarifies the current situation very well, wouldn't the proposed 
require that a property such as "txid-delay-ns" on the PHY's DT node to be 
for the MAC?

>Conversely, if the Ethernet
> + MAC driver looks at the phy_interface_t value, for any other mode but
> + PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII, it should make sure that the MAC-level delays are
> + disabled.
> +
> + In case neither the Ethernet MAC, nor the PHY are capable of providing the
> + required delays, as defined per the RGMII standard, several options may be
> + available:
> +
> + * Some SoCs may offer a pin pad/mux/controller capable of configuring a 
> given
> +   set of pins' drive strength, delays and voltage, and it may be a suitable
> +   option to insert the expected 2ns RGMII delay
> +
> + * Modifying the PCB design to include a fixed delay (e.g: using a 
> specifically
> +   designed serpentine), which may not require software configuration at all
> +
> +Common problems with RGMII delay mismatch
> +
> + When there is a RGMII delay mismatch between the Ethernet MAC and the PHY, 
> this
> + will most likely result in the clock and data line sampling to capture 
> unstable
> + signals, typical symptoms include:
> +
> + * Transmission/reception partially works, and there is frequent or 
> occasional
> +   packet loss observed
> +
> + * Ethernet MAC may report some, or all packets ingressing with a FCS/CRC 
> error,
> +   or just discard them all
> +
> + * Switching to lower speeds such as 10/100Mbits/sec makes the problem go 
> away
> +   (since there is enough setup/hold time in that case)
> +
> +
>  Connecting to a PHY
>   Sometime during startup, the network driver needs to establish a connection

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