Being unsuccessful at getting help so far, can anyone think of who or
where else I could ask for help on this issue?

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Quentin Barnes <> wrote:
> Several years ago, I wrote an iptables module that rewrites packets'
> destination addresses based on the value in the DSCP field to
> implement Layer 3 Direct Server Return (L3DSR).  The main code of
> the iptables target module you can find here:
> The iptable-daddr module has been in production since I wrote it
> with some limitations.  One of those limitations is it doesn't
> work well with conntrack modules.  I believe that's from the daddr
> rewriting confuses conntrack since changing a packet's daddr changes
> its 4-tuple not allowing conntrack to track a connection.
> Someone recently suggested I change the module from the "mangle"
> table to "raw", so it can be put in the prerouting chain ahead of
> conntrack.  That would let conntrack see the packet after its daddr
> update.  This approach seems to work fine in a test case letting
> L3DSR and conntrack apparently work in concert, but has me concerned
> that there might be unforeseen negative side-effects from using the
> raw table for doing mangling work.
> Can anyone think of any issues with having a mangle target module be
> invoked from the raw table?
> Or as an alternative if necessary, is there a possible/rational way
> to leave the module in the mangle table and then inform conntrack
> about the packet's daddr alteration?
> Quentin

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