On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 06:50:36PM -0700, Mark A Smith wrote:
> I cannot think of another possible definition for thread-safe in the
> context of these functions. Certainly they should not cause a "crash" when
> called from multiple threads, but that's a requirement independent of
> thread-safety.
> I think the question really boils down to: "What does thread-safe mean with
> respect to send()?" It might be more easily answered by asking, "How would
> a non-thread-safe send() behave?" I think it would behave the way we're
> seeing it behave.

  A non-thread-safe send() could use a global buffer to hold copied
data or results.  When called from multiple threads it could lose data
or mix data from send()s to different sockets.  Or it could return a
result in one thread that reflects the result of an overlapping send()
in another thread.  Or it could sometimes core dump.  The behavior of
a non-thread-safe function called from multiple threads is undefined.
There is really no requirement "independent of thread-safety" on the
behavior of a function called from multiple unsyncronized threads.

  As Rick noted, this is not really a threading test but a multiprocess
test.  A requirement to be thread-safe shouldn't imply anything about
the behavior of functions in single-threaded processes.  The posix
standard has a limit of PIPE_BUF bytes for atomic writes to a pipe.
That might extend to expecting sends of under PIPE_BUF bytes to be atomic
on a socket.  But I don't actually find any guarantee of atomic writes
for sockets, even for sizes below PIPE_BUF.

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