as i am new in submitting patch...
althought i have already read for a lot of reference...
i know only a little about the format required :(

i would like to do whatever i need to do
may u give me some hints about how to do so ??

net-nice -n 19 rsync ??
sorry that i don't know what is it... :(

for how to use it
1. patch the source tree
2. chose TCP-LP as modules and make it
3. after install use:
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=lp
4. you will then find your connection is relatively lower priority
than other computers

i put my work in my site:


2006/5/8, Pavel Machek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> TCP Low Priority is a distributed algorithm whose goal
> is to utilize only
> the excess network bandwidth as compared to the ``fair
> share`` of
> bandwidth as targeted by TCP. Available from:

Nice... I'd like to use something like this on my (overloaded)

Unfortunately, patch does not include documentation update AFAICS. How
do I use it? net-nice -n 19 rsync would be nice, but I guess that
would be quite complex...?
Thanks for all the (sleeping) penguins.

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