On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Jiri Pirko <j...@resnulli.us> wrote:
> Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 05:37:42PM CEST, jorge.garcia.gonza...@gmail.com wrote:
>>Hi !
>>Some days ago, Jiri Pirko was talking about some next steps to
>>implement for ethtool.
>> I haven't seen any follow up since ethtool's maintainer change. Can we have
>>additional details about these ?
>>- libethtool - API
>>- generic netlink
> Yep, exactly, no reply. Apparently nobody really want to do any initiative
> here, and I'm lacking time to do it :(

That's fine,  I already got  a git repo, I'm trying to understand what
'use generic netlink' means.

This is a piece of what grep got me on iproute git repo (I'm still
trying to understand)
grep -i netlink -r iproute2/
iproute2/bridge/mdb.c:#include "libnetlink.h"
iproute2/bridge/vlan.c:#include "libnetlink.h"

>>- sub commands syntax
>>- TODO/bugzilla
>>On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 9:24 AM, Jiri Pirko <j...@resnulli.us> wrote:
>>>>> I was thinking of adding a TODO file to the repository, but it's really
>>>>> for the new maintainer to decide what to do.  So here's my list as a
>>>>> suggestion:
>>>>> * Add regression test coverage for all sub-commands with complex logic
>>>>> * Internationalise output and error messages
>>>>> * Build a libethtool that handles all the API quirks and fallbacks for
>>>>>   old kernel versions.  This might help people writing language
>>>>>   bindings or other utilities that use the ethtool API.
>>>>> * Provide a 'cleaned up' ethtool (under some other name) that has:
>>>>>   - More conventional sub-command syntax, i.e. no '-'/'--' prefix
>>>>>   - More consistent output formatting
>>>>That seems like a reasonable start for a TODO list. I'll bet there
>>>>are a few people out there with other suggestions as well...?
>>> Before that, I would like to see ethtool migrate to use generic
>>> netlink. Then, the new tool would be needed anyway, should exist within
>>> iproute2 package and have similar command line syntax.
>>> I have some ideas about the gennetlink ethtool, have to find some time
>>> to implement some initial part of it.

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