David Miller <da...@davemloft.net> writes:

> What really irks me is that we "fixing" something without knowing what
> actually is the problem.


> Someone needs to figure out exactly what is making the Juniper thing
> unhappy.  It really shouldn't care if a link local address is assigned
> to the tun device, this is fundamental ipv6 stuff.

Yes. Looks like this is up to Jonas and/or Valdis.  I tried looking for
a demo site which could be used to test the client, but could not find
any.  The product itself seems to be replaced, and it's no longer Juniper.
And the recommended Linux solution seems to be OpenConnect:

Anyway, it would be good to sort out the problems with the java(?) based
client.  A few proposals (not an exhaustive list - please use your

a) Try to figure out what the traffic on the interface looks like (there
   was a single TX packet and no RX, I believe?).  Snoop on it and see
   if that is an IPv6 RS from the kernel or something the client sends.

b) Try to isolate the problem by tweaking what you can on the tun-

     ip addr del <ipv6ll> dev tun0
     echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/tun0/disable_ipv6

  etc.  Is there anything that will make the traffic flow, or is it just

c) Try to figure out what the client is doing.  strace it.  run lsof on
   it.  Anything unexpected?  Does it for example happen to read an
   packet from the tun file descriptor and choke?



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