David S. Miller wrote:
> From: Evgeniy Polyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 22:07:40 +0400
>> On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 08:56:23AM -0700, Caitlin Bestler
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>>> I'd expect high end NIC ASICs to implement rx steering based upon
>>>> some sort of hash (for load balancing), as well as explicit "1:1"
>>>> steering between a sw channel and a hw channel. Both options for
>>>> channel configuration are present in the driver interface.
>>>> If netfilter assists can be done in hardware, I agree the driver
>>>> interface will need to add support for these - otherwise,
>>>> netfilter processing will stay above the driver.
>>> Even if the hardware cannot fully implement netfilter rules there is
>>> still value in having an interface that documents exactly how much
>>> filtering a given piece of hardware can do.
>>> There is no point in having the kernel repeat packet classifications
>>> that have already been done by the NIC.
>> Please do not suppose that vj channel must rely on underlaying
>> hardware. 
> I am not.  I am just saying that it is futile to build
> hardware that cannot handle netfilter at least to some
> extent, because this will result in HW net channels being
> disabled for %99 of real users which makes the hardware just a waste.

Or netfilters being disabled, which would be just as bad or worse.
The kernel and hardware need to co-operate so that users are not
asked to make artificial choices between performance and security.

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