The following "soaks" on our side for a couple months now... Noticed [1][2] and thought it'd make sense to add it to the mix.
Contents ====== * README (inlined below) * netdevice.h patch with the preliminary/draft driver-level API (next message). Introduction ======== Van Jacobson's Net Channels presentation at LCA2006 is available at [3] and further discussed, for instance, at [4]. Within this context we defined the following goals for our implementation: 1) There are separate transport-neutral hardware supported channels for transmit and receive traffic. 2) We are interested in a proof-of-concept, as well as an initial pass at a concrete API. The API introduces the concept of a unidirectional "flow" that can be "bound" to a specific hardware supported channel. Within this framework TCP flow is simply a special case where the transmit traffic flow is all the traffic from a local TCP endpoint to a remote TCP endpoint and the receive traffic flow is the exact opposite. The API introduces - and is structured around - the following objects: * hardware channel - hw_channelh * kernel channel - kernel_channelh * receive flow - netdev_rx_flow Note: More exactly, hw_channelh and kernel_channelh are opaque (void*) handles to the corresponding stateful and implementation-dependent objects. The rest of this text talks about channels and denotes handles - for shortness sake we'll now assume that the difference is clear enough. Channels & Channel Handles =================== Both the hardware and kernel channels (hw_channelh and kernel_channelh, respectively) are strictly unidirectional. When a channel is opened it is specified as a transmit or a receive channel. In order to create a bi-directional send/receive channel there must be an additional API which provides a higher level abstraction by using a pair of uni-directional channels. Hardware channel handle and kernel channel handle are opaque handles designated to reference the corresponding stateful objects when used in an appropriate context, i.e., driver and kernel, respectively. Hardware channel handle (hw_channelh) is an opaque handles used to reference the corresponding device driver-specific channel object. It is up to the device driver developers to define the actual channel structures which work best to their specific hardware. The API knows nothing about these except as opaque pointers. Similarly, kernel channel handle (kernel_channelh) is opaque, as far as network drivers are concerned. There is a 1-to-1 correspondence between a kernel channel and a hardware channel. This assists in separating domain knowledge between the device driver and the kernel proper. It is assumed that kernel developers will be able to make use of kernel_channelh by casting it to the appropriate structure when, for instance, processing frames received on a corresponding hardware channel (hw_channelh). Receive Flow ========= Receive flow (netdev_rx_flow) contains a criteria that allows to steer a certain type of incoming packets (L2 frames, IP or UDP datagrams, TCP segments, etc.) to a receive channel. For instance, a single channel can be used to only receive traffic for a given MAC, or all traffic to TCP port 80. Furthermore, several flows can be added (or more exactly, can be "bound" via the corresponding bind_rx_hwchannel() API call) to the same channel. This means, one can create a channel that accepts traffic for destination MAC A and MAC B, or a channel used to transfer TCP packets with destination port 80 and 8080, or a channel to for a number of TCP connections defined by their respective 4-tuples. For more discussion see Section "Neterion XFrame-II Specific Notes" below. One can also assign a custom receive function to each separate receive channel. If a callback function is specified, this function will be used to pass up traffic instead of the netif_* API. This allows for a direct data path for applications should they wish to use it. This callback function is entirely optional and must be set per channel. If the function pointer is NULL the standard netif_* API is used. With respect to receive flow binding sequence, the last channel that is bound to a specific flow is the one that "wins", i.e., gets the traffic. In general, sharing of channels in a consistent fashion and tracking of receive flows is currently considered outside of the scope of this API. System Scalability ("The Big Picture") ======================== The API has its place in the entire picture that, as per Van Jacobson, includes "channelized" application, "channelized" socket, and "channelized" driver. It is meant to provide a mechanism, which, if used correctly, will ultimately allow to achieve system-level per-CPU scalability. It is outside the scope of this API to provide an interface to automatically place a transmit channel and the user-space application using it onto a given CPU. But if the transmitting application is in fact bound to a CPU, and if the kernel socket is "channel-aware", and if this particular channel is always used with the same CPU - if all of the above is true, then the ultimate goal of scalability can be reached. Similarly, on the inbound, the API can be used to: (1) channelize received traffic based on a number of available receive flow classification mechanisms (see netdev_hwchannel_rx_flow_e), (2) process the per-channel MSI/MSI-X on a given CPU specified at channel open time (see open_rx_hwchannel()). It's outside of scope of this particular API what happens with the packets received on a given channel after netif_rx*() callback hands the over to the stack. Neterion XFrame-II Specific Note ===================== The API is (an attempt of) a generalized kernel <=> driver interface. This section talks about Xframe-specific restrictions. We are assuming that other multi-channel capable network adapters might have adapter-specific restrictions; the idea however is not to propagate those restrictions on the level of API, if possible. The XFrame-II adapter supports multiple receive traffic flow types. However, it is not possible to mix the receive flow types (netdev_hwchannel_rx_flow_e) with the current Xframe hardware. In other words, one cannot use a single hardware channel to receive, for instance, all TCP traffic for destination port 80 and all L2 traffic for destination MAC A. References ======= [1] [2] [3] [4] Thanks! 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