Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 01:27:35PM CEST, wrote:
>On 6/22/16, 10:40 PM, Jiri Pirko wrote:
>> Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 09:32:25PM CEST, wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Jiri Pirko <> wrote:
>>>> From: Jiri Pirko <>
>>>> The problem we try to handle is about offloaded forwarded packets
>>>> which are not seen by kernel. Let me try to draw it:
>>>>     port1                       port2 (HW stats are counted here)
>>>>       \                          /
>>>>        \                        /
>>>>         \                      /
>>>>          --(A)---- ASIC --(B)--
>>>>                     |
>>>>                    (C)
>>>>                     |
>>>>                    CPU (SW stats are counted here)
>>>> Now we have couple of flows for TX and RX (direction does not matter here):
>>>> 1) port1->A->ASIC->C->CPU
>>>>    For this flow, HW and SW stats are equal.
>>>> 2) port1->A->ASIC->C->CPU->C->ASIC->B->port2
>>>>    For this flow, HW and SW stats are equal.
>>>> 3) port1->A->ASIC->B->port2
>>>>    For this flow, SW stats are 0.
>>>> The purpose of this patchset is to provide facility for user to
>>>> find out the difference between flows 1+2 and 3. In other words, user
>>>> will be able to see the statistics for the slow-path (through kernel).
>>>> Also note that HW stats are what someone calls "accumulated" stats.
>>>> Every packet counted by SW is also counted by HW. Not the other way around.
>>>> As a default the accumulated stats (HW) will be exposed to user
>>>> so the userspace apps can react properly.
>>> curious, how do you plan to handle virtual device counters like vlan
>>> and vxlan stats ?.
>> Yes, that is another problem (1). We have to push stats up to this devices
>> most probably. But that problem is orthogonal to this. To the user, you
>> will still need 2 sets of stats and HW stats being default. So this
>> patchset infra is going to be used as well.
>hmm...But, i don't think we should start adding different tlv's hw and sw for
>every stats variant we add.
>>> we can't separate CPU and HW stats there. In some cases (or ASICs) HW
>>> counters do
>>> not include CPU generated will have to add CPU
>>> generated pkt counters to the
>>> hw counters for such virtual device stats.
>> Can you please provide and example how that could happen?
>example is the bridge vlan stats I mention below. These are usually counted
>by attaching hw virtual counter resources. And CPU generated packets
>in some cases maybe setup to bypass the ASIC pipeline because the CPU
>has already made the required decisions. So, they may not be counted by
>by such hw virtual counters.

Bypass ASIC? How do the packets get on the wire?

>>> example: In the switchdev model, for bridge vlan stats, when user
>>> queries bridge vlan stats,
>>> you will have to add the hw stats to the bridge driver vlan stats and
>>> return it to the user .
>> Yep, that is (1).
>unless i misunderstood, this does not look like (1). In (1) you say hw stats
> already reflect sw stats. But in this case, hw counter does not include sw 
> stats
>for CPU generated packets.
>>> Having a consistent model for all kinds of stats will help.

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