On Sat, 2006-04-01 at 05:20 -0800, Linsys Contractor Amit S. Kale wrote:

> +            U16 brdnum;

Where does U16 come from?

> +#define MAX_CMD_DESCRIPTORS       1024

Same comment as before WRT generic macro names.  You're certain to break
the kernel build at some point with all these names.

> +#ifndef U64
> +typedef uint64_t U64;
> +typedef uint32_t U32;
> +typedef uint16_t U16;
> +typedef uint8_t  U8;
> +#endif


> +typedef struct PREALIGN(64) cmdDescType0

What's PREALIGN supposed to do?

> +} POSTALIGN(64) controlCmdDesc_t;

And what's POSTALIGN?

> +
> +// This type has no reference handle but does have a ConnID as
> +// this is specific to TCP Chimney. We do not need referenceHandle
> +// as it has no associated buffers and based on completion opcode
> +// the miniport driver will be able to handle it.
> +
> +typedef struct cmdDescType1
> +{
> +    U32 Unm_msg_hdr_Lo;
> +    U32 Unm_msg_hdr_Hi;
> +    U8  reserved;
> +    U8  numOfBuffers;
> +    U8  flags;
> +    U8  Opcode;
> +    U32 port:4,
> +        connID:28;
> +    U32 data[12];     //48 bytes of data
> +} cmdDescType1_t;

This is horrible.  Please leave all the Windows-related stuff out and
fix the coding conventions.

> +#if defined(__GCC__)
> +#define PREALIGN(X)
> +#define POSTALIGN(X) __attribute__ ((aligned(X))
> +#else // NOT GCC
> +#if !defined (_MSC_VER) //and not windows!
> +#define PREALIGN(X)
> +#define POSTALIGN(X)
> +#endif
> +#endif // NOT GCC


> +#if defined(DEFINE_GLOBAL_RECV_CRB)
> +netxen_recv_crb_t recv_crb_registers[] = {

This does not belong in a header file.


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