
setkey command behaves strangely when SPD is large. Either because I'm
doing something wrong or because there is a bug. I believe it's a bug,
but who knows... Anyway, after 529 items it simply stops displaying
items from SPD with a message

recv: Resource temporarily unavailable

This occurs on FC4, Rawhide, Debian and Ubuntu, in other words, it seems
it's not distribution specific.

It seems it's not setkey's bug because the same behavior is noticed with
IKEv2 daemon during SPD scans. Also, ip command successfully displays
complete database. Now, I thought that bug is in PFKEY but pfkey_spddump
is quite simple and some primitive debugging with printk's showed that
that part seems OK, and that bug might be in xfrm_policy_walk.

To reproduce that behavior is quite simple. I attached simple perl
script that populates SPD with large number of items. After SPD is
populated just running 'setkey -DP' yields mentioned error message.

Stjepan Gros

P.S. And one another question, maybe off topic, but anyway. Is there any
reason why ip command doesn't display policy's ID? 

Attachment: set_policy_responder.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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