
while testing the rt2x00 driver, I found the following inconsistency
(don't know wether this is considered a bug).
If you already have a netdevice named wlan0, but no corresponding
wlan0.11 or wlan0ap device, you'll get the following devices while using
the dscape 802.11 stack:

wlan1, wlan0ap and wlan0.11

I would have expected wlan1, wlan1ap and wlan1.11.

The following patch fixes this inconsistency, but I'm not sure about the
side effects this patch could have.


diff --git a/net/d80211/ieee80211.c b/net/d80211/ieee80211.c
index 1cca749..e0625c0 100644
--- a/net/d80211/ieee80211.c
+++ b/net/d80211/ieee80211.c
@@ -4567,6 +4567,10 @@ int ieee80211_register_hw(struct net_dev
        if (result < 0)
                goto fail_1st_dev;

+       /* keep device numbering in sync */
+       sprintf(local->apdev->name,"%sap", local->wdev->name);
+       sprintf(dev->name,"%s.11", local->wdev->name);
        result = register_netdev(local->apdev);
        if (result < 0)
                goto fail_2nd_dev;

Matthias Mueller, Rechenzentrum Universitaet Karlsruhe
Netzdienste und Netzwerkmanagement
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